Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Lack of Representation

One of the concepts this country was founded upon is the principle of representation. Our forefathers were concerned about tyranny and also an oligarchial form of government which would put a few making the political decisions for the many without giving heed to the wishes of the people. A representative form of government allows for the voice of all to be heard and the representatives accountable to those who elected them. They are to represent their constituents while dealing with matters which face our entire nation, state, community or the various levels of governemnt.

I was recently intrigued as I heard over a newscast a discussion about who was being represented in the health care debate. It was pointed out that lobbyists and special interests groups were spending extremely large amounts of money to get their interests served. Deals, of course, have been struck in an effort to gain passage of the bill to the uprorar of the states who are not getting those deals and even among those in the states who are receiving the special deals. People realize that what is going on is not right. But the question was posed - Who represents the people to the legislators?

What???? The legislators are to represent the people, not the special interests groups, not the agenda of a political party or the desires of the president. The Congress is not the employee of Obama, or Pelosi, or Reid who are basically calling the American people ignorant when it comes to many things, including health care. It is not the responsibility of the government to provide health care for us, or to protect us from the evil insurance companies because they want to make a profit. Why would any business exist if it were not to make a profit? Isn't that how we are really supposed to provide for our needs, not hold out our hands to big daddy government and expect him to provide for us? Do we not remember that government never gives to us unless it first takes from someone else?

Elitism in the sphere of government, or any other sphere has never been a good thing. President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid along with others are not superior to us and do not represent the American people. They have their own politcal agendas to change the character and values of America and they have the ability to bribe and manipulate those we have elected to get what they want.

Keep standing up Americans! Keep letting your voice be heard. Say no to abortion funding. Say no to public option. Say no to those who are receiving the special deals if they will vote Obama's way. Say yes to competition in the marketplace. Say yes to the loosening of government regualtions and control in the marketplace. Say yes to the tenets of capitalism and no to the marxist, socialist philosophies being promoted by the present leaders of our federal government. Say yes to a strong national defense. We are once again becoming the laughingstock of the world because of the weak president we have concerning international affairs. The day will come when elections occur again and then we can hold these people accountable by voting them out. Meanwhile, let's hope that they damage that they are incurring upon America will not be irreversible.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rights - Responsibilities

There is much confusion in our society today over the question of rights. What rights do people possess. Do we have a right to life? Do we have a right to liberty? Do we have a right to the pursuit of happiness (and what do you really mean by that?)? Do we have a right to education? Do we have the right to health care? Do we have the right to protect our property? Do we have the right to voice our opinions in a civil manner even if they differ with what is politicaaly correct? People are always clamoring for their rights? We have an entitlement mentality that our parents owe us something, or our government owes us something, or somebody owes us something. But what is the truth?

Our forefathers stated that we do have rights given to us by God which no man or institution can rightfully take away from us, that is, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which, if you read John Locke from whom that statement is almost a direct quote you find to mean the ownership and use of private property.

Do we have a right to education? Well, we have a responsibility to educate and that responsibility is that of the home, not the government. The clear teaching of scripture is that education is first and foremost the responsibility of the home. But a right to education - I think not. That is why when those who are not directly responsible for the education of our young people indoctrinate them with ideas and values that are contrary to what we believe they are usurping their position. We must be careful who we allow to teach our young people, what we allow them to teach our children, and the methods they use to teach our children. That is why there should be outrage over teaching young minds to praise Obama like he were a god. That is why there should be outrage when our school systems teach lifestyles such as homosexuality and other perverse lifestyles as something that is acceptable. It is our responsiblity to educate (either directly or through oversight) our children. If we leave it up to someone else or the government, there is no telling the things that they will learn. They are not waiting till they get into Junior High, High School or college to spread their poison - it is happening as soon as they enter the school system in elementary school.

And do we have a right to health care? I don't think so! We have a responsibility to care and provide for ourselves. It is not the responsibility or within the constitutional powers of our government to dictate a health care program that is based on socialistic principles. We have the finest health care system in the world - others from other countries come to us - we don't go to them. Is it expensive - yes, but much of that cost is due to the ever increasing intervention by our government. Research and development cost - but in a free marketplace where ideas and goods can be freely exchanged, costs will eventually come down to what the market will bear. Will everyone be able to afford it - probably not, but the issue that will be before us if we go to a national health care plan will not be whether or not we can afford something, but, will the government determine that we are eligible for the treatment. They decide - not you and me - and that's a scary thought! By the way, the government only gives to one as it takes from another - everything has a cost that must be paid. If the government is giving to some it has to take from others whether they want to give it or not.

Right now the choice is ours. If we fail to exercise our choice and live responsibly, then we will lose the God-given liberties that truly are our rights. Take responsiblity for yourself, for your family, for their education, for their health. Don't expect or ask the govenment to provide for you - and don't let them take from you without your consent. Government will not give back that which it takes away. If we do not stand up and speak out, we will lose the right to choose and end up living in a socialistic society where personal freedom and choice will be lost.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

It was with great sadness but no surprise when President Obama's speech given at the UN contained such strong anti-Israeli sentiment. As one of my friends put it -"I have never heard such anti-Isreali sentiment come from an American president." Scripture, the ultimate standard for all of life and living regardless of the opinions of men, states that we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, not be a part of those who would seek to destroy it. It seems as though our president wants us to join in with those who hate the Jews and the nation of Israel. It seems as though he wants us to be among those who promote the enemies of Israel regardless of the Word of God stating that those who bless Israel, He will bless, and, those who curse Israel, He will curse. Of course, there are those who do not accept the Word of God as the final authority for all things that pertain to life and living and, therefore, would disagree with that statement of promise made to Abraham.

I am proud to be an American. I am glad that I do not agree in any way, shape or form with a president with such anti-semitic and anti-christian views. I am thankful and extremely humbled to be a Christian for I know I did nothing to deserve my salvation in Christ. As one who believes the Word of God and studies it, two specific passages come to mind. The first is Proverbs 6:16, 17 - "These six things doth the Lord hate, yea, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that sows discord among the brethren." When I think of our president, I am grieved to say that I only see seven things that he fulfills in this scripture and am reminded that God resists the proud. The second passage had to do with the UN and there seeming resentment and hatred for the nation of Israel. These men (along with our president) and their plans which are anti-christian in nature reminded me of Psalm 2 which says "Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed saying, 'Let us break their bands asunder and cast their cords away from us!' He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury . . . He shall break them like a rod of iron and shall shatter them like earthenware." Psalm 2:1-5,9

I believe things are going to get very rough. Persecution of the nation of Israel and believers in Christ will intensify as we will in this anti-christian society. But God's response? He laughs at the plans of proud men and holds them in derision. All the so-called mighty men of the earth, including our president, are nothing compared to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. They may have their day, but in the end the Lord will deal with them in much more severe judgement than they can mete out and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

My friend, if you don't know this Jesus, my prayer for you is that you might realize your sinfulness, recognize that He (Christ) who knew no sin, took your sin upon Himself, died on the cross for you, was buried, but rose again so that you might have life and have it more abundantly, humble yourself and surrender your life to Christ, the only hope, and receive forgiveness for your sin and the gift of eternal life in Christ. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Won't you humbly turn to Christ today? I pray that you will!

May God have mercy on us, upon believers in Christ, and upon the nation of Israel!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Health Care - Education - The Home

Many Americans have been speaking up and continue to speak out against the Obama health care plan which is socialistic to the core. We must keep fighting for our freedom if we plan to keep it. Now we are discovering another battle which must be fought with the same fervor - the battle for the minds of our children. The educational philosophy of humanism teaches a concept of no absolute truth of relative values and ideals. Our children are viewed as the property of the state and are to be educated for the purposes of the state. The idea of our President going before our children in the school setting and teaching them of their responsibilities to the government and the Obama pledge is a scary thing indeed. It is pledging allegiance to King Obama. I am reminded of what our forefathers said when asked to pledge allegiance to the King of England at the time of the Revolutionary War - they said "We have no king, but King Jesus" The easiest way to take control of a nation is through the education of children. If they are indoctrinated with the ideas of socialism, we will become a socialistic state - it is only a matter of time. It is the responsibility of the home to educate young people, not the state. But the teaching that we have had in our public schools for the past 80 or more years is that it is the governments responsibility to educate our children. Back in the late 1600's Massachusetts had an "Old Deluder Law" which said the purpose of education in public schools was to teach children to read the Bible so they would not be deceived by the old deluder, Satan. Schools taught students character, integrity, the value of hard, honest work, a respect for God, country, and people's property. Today, we indoctrinate with the socially acceptable, politically correct humanistic philosophy which denies the existence of God, seeks to destroy moral values, teaches that man was nothing more than a higher form of animal, and is of use only as they can profit the state. Such education is an abomination. May I encourage you to put your student in a school where truth and moral absolutes are taught. We did that with our first 4 children, sending them through Christian Heriatage Academy, and are now homeschooling our 5th. If you do send your child to a school that will be showing the President's message on September 8, may I encourage you to keep your child home on that day in protest of the socialistic propaganda that will be spread in the minds of our children that day. We must accept our God-given responsibility to raise our children and care for our families. If we don't, we will be forfeiting not only our liberty, but the liberty of our children in years to come.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Health Care Reform Bill

President Obama and others are trying to push through once again, as with the hate-crimes bill being attached to a defense spending bill, a health care reform bill with a hidden agenda. That hidden agenda - to make all Americans - regardless of their beliefs and opinions, to support the funding of the murder of the unborn child (commonly called abortions) with our federal tax dollars and private insurance programs. Planned Parenthood and other abortion-mill operators will be termed as "essential health care providers" under this new plan. This is in fulfillment of the Obama campaign promise to Planned Parenthood and others that he would mandate funding for "reproductive services" (i.e. abortion) if elected President. This legislation will require you and me to pay for abortions regardless of our convictions, beliefs, and opinions. It will require businesses who have taken a stand against abortion to provide for their employees abortion coverage even if it violates the owner's beliefs. And what will happen to Christian doctors and nurses, or even non-Christian health care professionals, who oppose participating in Obamacare? Will they lose their licenses to practice? What will happen in the health care industry to those who choose because of their convictions to not participate in or support abortions? You see, a fundamental, God given right to property is being violated. James Madison wrote that "Conscience was the most sacred of all property." The purpose of government is to protect our property, not violate it. So many times we view property as that which is external, such as houses, lands, cars, etc. But Madison wrote that a man has a property in his opinions, his ideals, his beliefs, his convictions. Only to the degree that civil government is willing to protect our internal property of conscience will it be effective in protecting our external property. If government ignores our internal property then they will believe that our external property belongs to them also. That is why we have the teaching that government grants us our liberty. That is a lie! It is not the government who grants us liberty, but God alone. The purpose of government is to protect that God-given liberty. That is one thing that distinguishes our country from others, the concept of the source of liberty and the ensuing purpose of government!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hate Crimes -Defense Bill

Obama politics is sweeping the Congress. Senator Reid attaching the Hates Crimes Legislation to a Defense Spending Bill is the only way that it might be accepted. And the pressure is now on those who want to support our troops to pass this tainted bill or seem like they're not supporting our troops. Pretty clever. Contact your Senator and encourage him to vote this bill down, not because of the defense portion, but because of the portion of the bill that is totally unrelated to the defense of our country.

National health care system, potential approval of Sotamayor, hate crimes legislation, control of the economy (which keeps getting worse because of their control), development of the bi-czar system of government (who are these guys answerable to anyway - not we the people but me - the Obama), these things are eating away at the freedoms of our country like a fast-spreading cancer. Stand up, speak up, and when the opportunity comes for us to vote again (which cannot be soon enough), vote these people out of office. They are taking away our liberties and we cannot let them do that!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Was This Nation founded On Biblical Principles?

There has been much debate in Oklahoma recently, as I am sure in our nation because of some of the comments made especially by our president that America is not a nation founded on Biblical principles, that it is not a Christian nation.

The student of real, not revisionist history, who goes back and does their due diligence, however, cannot deny the influence of Christianity in America and the fact that we are a Christian nation founded on Biblical principles. Though we deny it today, the facts still remain, clear for all to see, if they will but look.

For instance, take the speech of Benjamin Franklin on June 28th at the Constitution Convention in Philadelphia. The convention was at an impasse with much disagreement taking place, when Franklin, who by the way had been greatly influenced by a pastor in Boston by the name of Cotton Mather, rose and in his speech said:

"I have lived, sir, a long time; and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured, sir, in the Sacred Writings, that 'except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.' I firmly believe this, and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel; we shall be divided by our little partial, local interests, our projects will be confounded and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a byword down to future ages. And, what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, or conquest.

I therefore beg leave to move:

That hereafter prayers, imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service."

Sounds to me like Franklin thought they should trust God and seek His aid in the establishment of this nation! Oh by the way, there are hundreds of other such speeches, documents and recordings just like this. May I encourage you to do research and see. Have a great day!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Importance of Voluntary Exchange

One of the things which has been emphasized in our Declaration of Independence and protected in our Constitution is the blessing of voluntary exchange. It is a blessing to be able to make choices as to whom I will exchange with, what will exhcange for, when I wish to make a voluntary exchange, and for how much I am willing to enter into voluntary exchange for. It's what makes our economy work. Ultimately, people are willing to exchange goods, services or monies in order to exchange with others for things which they feel will give them greater benefit or satisfaction. People, because of their self-conscious nature where they are aware of what their needs are, learn to make choices that will best benefit them. Governments part in this type of system is to protect a person's right to exchange with others in a free marketplace so others will not steal from them or deceive them. It is a wonderful system - it works.

However, we must be careful that government stays in a protection mode and not begin to take a control mode. Whenever this has happened historically, it has proved to be harmful to the private sector. Whether it has been to control wages - which has created unemployment, or control the flow of money - which has caused inflation, government intervention into the economy has proved harmful to the economy by limiting the choices that are available to people who are capable of making their own choices in the marketplace. There is the danger of making wrong choices, but it is the people who are personally responsible for the choices they make and not the government's place to bail them out of their troubles. We learn much quicker when we are confronted with the consequences of wrong choices than when we are bailed out of them. If I am truly looking out for my needs and the needs of my family, I will quickly learn from the mistakes I make and learn to remedy them. I don't need big brother government to help me out at this point.

And that is one of the concerns that I have concerning a national health care program - I believe that it takes away the fundamental right of the pursuit of happiness by limiting my choice of health care provider. I must learn to live within my means, to save, to invest, to look ahead and plan for the future. I want the choice of selecting the doctor I want to treat me, to go to the hospital I wish to be treated at, to take the medication that I feel is best for me after consulting with my personal physician and deciding what is best for me and my family. But the more government intervenes into the health care system the fewer choices I will have and the lower the quality of healthcare I will be able to receive. national healthcare provision is not working in other countries, why do we think it will work here. It sounds very good, very humanitarian, but at the bottom line it takes away more of my resources and limits my choices, thus limiting my freedom. I believe to the degree we would rid ourselves of government regulation in the medical field (that's regulation and provision - not protection) the more competitive the medical field would become - and the result? Better quality care at more affordable costs, new and better ways of treating various illnesses, more personable treatment of patients (if doctors are chosen based on their performance and treatment of their patients, I bet things would improve). Can this work? Absolutely, a free people, given the opportunity to make their own choices, always seem to make things better!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Best Protector of Liberty

Interesting events during the past week. As President Obama held a reception honoring gay rights activism a representative from the state of Oklahoma spoke out against the degenerating morals of America and said that the loss of biblical values in America was the cause of our troubles. We have embraced lifestyles and values which directly contradict the teaching of scripture and, as a result, are subject to the wrath of God upon our nation. Is that really true? Is abortion and euthenasia wrong? Is promoting and accepting the gay lifestyle in America wrong? Is promoting divorce and infidelity in marriage wrong? Have we really come into a time when God is judging America? I think that I would agree with Sally Kern in saying yes! But some would say, "How is God judging America?" Well, we could point to the threat and reality of terrorism even on our own American soil as a sign of judgement. We could sight the increase and intensity of violence in America. But I think it is much more than that - God in dealing with the children of Israel who had been rebellious against Him merely let them have their own way. God gave them what they wanted but sent leanness into their souls. God speaks in Romans 1 of people who constantly suppress (cover up, hold down) the truth that He gives them up to a depraved mind and degrading passions, letting them have their own way knowing that it will bring them to destruction. Sometimes that's what I seem to be observing in America - people thinking that they know more than God, getting their own way, and then suffering the consequences of it, but still not turning to God.

Cotton Mather, pastor of the Old North Church in Boston, graduate of Harvard at age 18, and considered to be the most intelligent man in New England of his time wrote in his epoch work 'Magnalia Christi Amercana" that in America "religion begat prosperity and the daugther devoured the mother." How true! It seems that we have forgotten the author of liberty - the Lord God Jehovah.

It is God who is the author of liberty, not government. Even our forefathers stated so in our very Declaration of Independence. But how do we protect the liberty which comes to us from God. For if we do not protect our liberty, we will lose our liberty. Ronald Reagan said that if we fail to recognize that we are one nation under God, then we will become a nation gone under.

Let's listen to John Adams, our 2nd President:

June 21, 1776 - " Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitiution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our people in a greater measure, than they have it now, they may change their rulers and their form of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty."

Diary, July 26, 1796 - "The Christian Religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of Wisdom, Virtue, Equity, and Humantiy."

Letter to Jefferson June 28, 1813 - "Now I will avow, that I then believe, that those general Principles of Christianity, are as eternal and immutable, as the existence and attributes of God; and that those principles of Liberty, are as unalterable as human nature and our terrestrial, mundane system."

Letter to Jefferson December 25, 1813 - "I have examined all religions, as well as my narrow sphere, my straightened means, and my busy life would allow; and the result is that the Bible is the best book in the world. It contains more philosophy than all the libraries I have seen."

How about cousin, Samuel Adams, the Father of the American Revolution in his writing on the "Rights of Colonists" 1772 - "The right to freedom being the gift of the Almighty... The rights of colonists as Christians. . . may be best understood by reading and carefully studying the institution of the Great Law Giver and Head of the Christian Church, which are to be found clearly and written and promulgated in the New Testament."

Adams again - "He therefore is the truest friend to the liberty of his country who tries to promote its virtue, and who, so far as his power and influence extend, will not suffer a man to be chosen into any office of power and trust who is not a wise and virtuous man. . . The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy this gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people."

Virtue, moral excellence, righteousness in our own lives is the greatest protector of liberties as we live in obedience to the principles of liberty outlined in the Bible, God's Word. May we return this day to the liberty we have in Christ and not be entangled again with the bondage of our own ways.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How To Solve The Energy Crisis

Solving America's energy crisis is really quite simple. But it does not come without a basic understanding of economics - that is studying the choices that men make in order to meet their needs.

First of all, let us consider the three elements which make up man's material wealth, that is, natural resources, human energy or labor, and tools, that which man uses to multiply his productive capacity. Understnading these three factors of production will enable us to see how we can easily (but not without time, effort, and sacrifice) solve our energy crisis.

Natural resources are truly abundant in America. God has given us an abundant land full of the things which we need to meet our needs. Notice that these natural resources are not government-granted and I would submit to you that they should not be government controlled. It is not the government's function to tell us which resources we can use to meet our needs and which one we cannot. The purpose of government is to protect us as we use the natural resources that God has given us from those who would seek to abuse their resources and decieve us or steal from us. We have been told that our resources are more than enough to supply our needs, but the environmentalist would say just the opposite fearing that we might decrease the fly population and thus upset the eco-system. There truly is plenty of coal, oil, gas, wind, alternative energy sources, etc. And, we have learned through the years, that we as individual people and businesses must do our best to conserve our resources so that they will remain abundant. To not be cautious in conservation would be foolish, but we don't need the government, or some environmental group funded by the government to tell us that. Common sense goes a long way.

And then there is human energy - the ability to work. Different people have different skills. As man seeks to meet his needs, he discovers what he can do, where he is most efficient and effective in providing for himself and his family. He can enter into an agreement with someone to work for them if that is how he feels that he can best meet his needs. It's interesting but true, that a man's hunger works for him. We can become very industrious, hard-working people if we know that we are ultimately responsible for putting food on our table and not the government. But we have rewarded those who do not work. We have even given some who are content to not work and let the government provide for them with incentives not to work. The scripture is still true however, that if a man doesn't work, he should not eat. I submit that if we adopted this policy once again, as did our forefathers, that we would once again become a nation of producers and not consumers. And once again, what is the role of government? To set our minimum wage for us? NO, that only produces unemployment - study your history! Should they decide what vocation you should choose based on their assessment of your aptitudes and capabilities? NO, choose the vocation that you wish to be in, educate yourself, get training, and go for it - that's part of the American dream that so many came to this country to pursue in this, the land of opportunity. Maybe government should decide how long we can work? NO, let a man work as long as he needs to in order to meet his needs. Let him learn to save and invest for himself to care for his needs and the needs of his family. But surely government should provide us with health care or public housing or something to help us along? NO, if we must take responsibility for ourselves, we will find that we can take care of ourselves quite nicely, thank you. You see, the purpose of government is to protect man's GOD-GIVEN rights, not to provide for man.

And then there is the final factor of production known as tools. It is bizarre to me how our government is seeking to control and decrease the effectiveness of tools in our nation. Tools are the things that we use to produce with. The better our tools, the more productive we can be. Governments function is not to control these tools. It is not their business to own these tools. It is their responsibility to protect the inventor and the invention from those who would seek to steal it and abuse if for their own benefit. That is why we have copyright and patent laws - to protect the ones who invent tools and the tools themselves. Government should not be restraining the tools of production, but encouraging private business to increase the tool capacity and efficiency of America.

I wonder what would happen if the government did its job and let the energy business take care of itself? We have the resources, we have the man-power, we have the creativity and ingenuity of the American people who for almost 400 years have found ways to meet their needs and live in abundance. We have the tools or the ability to make effective, effecient tools. I thoroughly believe that the American people if unbridled from the nanny state would solve quickly and effectively the energy crisis and could soon be totally energy independent from other countries at a cost that we could all afford (or at least those who are willing to do the work)and in a matter of time that would easily defeat any time schedule set forth by the government. Our president and House of Representatives under the influence of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, are seeking with the passage of this energy bill to bridle the productive resources, labor, ingenuity, and creativity of the American people by seeking to control the tools of production which belong to the people not the government. Let your Senator know that you do not want this energy bill passing the Senate and being signed into law by our President. And may those who ignored the strong voice of the American people on this issue incur the strength of the vote of the American people at the next election! Remember - WE WIN!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Healthcare Reform

The government is proposing new healthcare reforms. Our president said that this reform was taking place among other reasons to punish insurance companies for not providing affordable insurance for everyone. What? When did it become the government's responsibility to punish the insurance companies for us? For that matter, I think, if you study the constitution you will find that the government is not rsponsibile to make sure that we even have health care. That is something reserved for the individuals. Maybe if government would get out of the "big brother" business and allow us to make economic decisions on our own, things would right themselves. We don't need the government to provide health care for us. We don't need the government to put further restrictions upon tobacco when our president himself cannot kick the ugly habit. What is needed? Individuals taking responsibility for themselves and their families. Individuals who are willing to work and save and trade with whomsoever this choose. Individuals making decisions on how they will use their resources, how they will choose to invest their money, the ability to keep more of what we make so we can choose how to use it. And then to accept responisbility for our choices. Bad choices have bad consequences. You reap what you sow. We are not entitled by the government to be cared for, we should take the responbility to care for ourselves. Individuals have a habit of doing what is best for themselves, it is inbred within the nature of man. When men unite together they can meet each others needs in such a way that they feel they are deriving the greatest benefit - some call it voluntary exchange. Having a national healthcare program does not provide for voluntary exchange but involuntary exchange. Under the government program I lose my freedom of choice and that is defined in our constititution as a fundamental, God-given right called the pursuit of happiness. If I am being told by the government that I have to give them more money to provide healthcare for me and others then that violates my freedom. Let me choose if I want health insurance, or a health savings account, or no coverage at all. Let me decide to save and prepare through my choices the investments I will make to care for myself and my family. To let someone else decide for me is to become ignorant and irresponsible. Please - no more healthcare programs from the government. The programs we have are not efficient now, and why should we let an inefficient government make our economic choices for us?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hate - Crimes Legislation

US Senate Bill 909 is a hate-crimes legislation bill that is before our US Senate to possibly be voted upon this Wedneday. Let me encourage you, as possibly have others already, to contact your US Senator and voice your opinion against this legislation. If it passes, it will give those involved in the sin of homosexuality greater rights than the average American and could make it illegal to speak out against this sin which is spoken against in the Bible. (Read Romans 1) Once again our liberties of freedom of speech and religion are being threatened. And also notice how quickly the liberal left moves from one crucial issue to the next in hopes of diverting your attention away from what they are doing. They move quickly between issues of same-sex marriage and hate crimes legislation, to national health care, to socializing our economy, to weakening our military, to the nomination of federal judges who do not judge based upon law but on personal preference, to nominating muslims to be a part of homeland security (now that's ironic, isn't it?) and the vicious circle continues. Let your senator know your feelings concerning this hate crimes legislation as many times as you can between now and Wednesday. God Bless America!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Lifting Up A Standard

My, how quickly things are happening in our nation! It seems like a deluge of liberal change is occuring daily if not more frequently than that. Whether on the military front with the "mirandizing" of those who are our enemies, to the Justice Department, where a the candidate is someone sho judges on her racial bias and feelings rather than the rule of law is up for approval, to the economic realm, where capitalism is being replaced with a government run socialism, to the religious realm where the Islamic religion is being encouraged and the Christian religion is being disdained and denied. Terrorism strikes America with an admitted Moslem terrorist killing of an American soldier in a recruiting office in Arkansas. Gitmo detainees being brought to America or sent to another country where we pay them to keep them, or simply releasing them to terrorize again - we're not being very wise these days! Government taking over industry after industry in an effort to save the economy (I don't think so - they want to ultimately control the eonomy and make everything goovernment property), unemplyment soaring to new heights as owners have to cut back to meet new taxes and regulations. Our conscience, our property rights, our freedoms all under severe attack. It seems hopeliess - but it is not!!!! The Word of God instructs us that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard against him.(Isaiah 59:19) May we as American Christians be that standard that the Lord holds up by loving liberty, living righteously, and upholding a standard of truth and righteousness in our personal lives, our homes, our churches, our communities, our cities, states, and yes, even our nation. Let us not be weary in doing well. We will reap what we sow. Don't give up - keep doing what is right in your circle of influence to the glory of God and for love of our country! Pray for one another and for those who are taking a stand that God will give us strength to keep speaking up! Remember - as my friend, city councilman Larry McAtee says - in the end - WE WIN!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

An Order from the Commander-In-Chief

Catch-A-Dream Foundation is a faith-based organization which help children with severe and terminal illnesses do things they would never otherwise be able to do. Kind of like Make-A-Wish Foundation, organizations like these do a tremendous work in helping young kids and their families enjoy their last days together. Recently, Sargeant 1st Class Greg Stube from Fort Bragg was scheduled to speak at the Foundation's annual fundraiser banquet. He had been severely injured while being deployed overseas with the Green Beret and his story is one of faith and courage. However, the Sargeant at the last minute had to cancel his speaking engagement. Why? Because an order has recently been sent down from the Commander-in-Chief, President Barak Obama that NO SERVICEMAN CAN SPEAK AT ANY FAITH-BASED PUBLIC EVENT ANYMORE. This is an atrocity and an abomination in the sight of God. Once again we see an effort by our president to enforce his religious preferences upon the entire nation. Our nation was founded upon Biblical principles. Our money says plainly on it "IN GOD WE TRUST". Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord - But when our president, in his pride and arrogance, uses his position of authority to do something this ridiculous, he is inviting resistance and judgement of God upon us for - "God resists the proud (a proud look is an abomination in the sight of God -Proverbs 6), but He gives grace to the humble. Be not deceived - God is not mocked! Our president cannot continue to mock the one true God - Jehovah and not receive His wrath. May God have mercy on us as we take a stand!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

3 R's For America

One of the men who has been a great influence in my life is Ralph Bullard, former headmaster and now ambassador for Christian Heritage Academy where I have taught for the past 30 years. He recently spoke at our commencement exercises at CHA and with great eloquence shared with us 3 R's that are needed for the saving of America. The points made are his, the commentary on them are my thoughts concerning those things.

Restore Prayer and the Reading of the Bible to Public Schools - Restoring prayer and the public reading of the Scriptures to our public schools would once again establish the Word of God as the standard of truth and justice in our educational system and our nation. Statistics prove that since the Bible and prayer have been removed from our public schools our level of literacy in America has decreased. Relativism has moved in as the we say that truth is whatever you want it or believe it to be, rather than a standard of absolute truth as seen in the Word of God. We need to restore prayer and Bible reading to public schools and thereby establish once again that this nation is founded on Biblical principles and that there is only one true God, the Jehovah God of the Bible. But this will come as we restore prayer and Bible reading to our homes first.

Repeal the Laws Concerning the Legalization of Abortion - This is a blight upon our nation, a curse if you would. The killing of the innocent unborn, or partially born child is outright murder which God forbids in His Word. We have become a nation of "Hands that shed innocent blood" which God says in Proverbs 6 that such a thing is an abomination in His sight. Abortion is the American Holocaust and we have legalized it far too long. As I went through the Holocaust of World War II Memorial in Boston recently, there were 6 towers reresenting 6 million people killed in the holocaust. If we were to likewise construct a tower for every 1 million aborted babies that have been murdered since Roe v. Wade was passed, there would be over 50 towers standing as a testimony of this atrocity. God help us!

Finally - Re-affirm our stance upon God's Word that homosexuality and other types of sexual perversion are condemned by God's Word (Romans 1) and return to holding up the family unit as one man and one woman for a lifetime. We do not need to legalize that which God says is a perversion of His design for the family. We do not need to call right what God says is wrong. Tolerance is not needed - rather a strong, yet compassionate stance, that this sin is wrong and point people to Christ, the only hope of salvation. These degrading passions are a result of the hardness of man's heart toward God and a sign of God's judgement upon the nation.

It is incumbent upon those who call themselves believers in Christ to humble themselves, and pray, and seek God's face, and turn from their wicked ways. When we do this God promises to hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. The responsibility is our dear friends. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Originally called New Towne, Cambridge, MA is a very interesting place. It is here taht Harvard College was founded in 1636 by the Puritans who wanted to make sure taht there was not an uneducated minister in the pulpits of America. Their first president, Henry Dunster, was a godly man who was known for setting the Psalms to music. The second president, Calvin Chancey, was a fiery preacher much in the mold of an Elijah. A college student upon hearing a passionate message by the 80 year old Chancey said, "Sir, you preach so hard that one day you will die in the pulpit" to which Chancey replied, "It would be an honor to do so." Chancey was also a man of prayer who had it said of him that "He spends more time talking to God than he does to man." Such were the beginnings of a school designed to aid and educate the pastoral leadership of our nation.

But such is not the case today. In the 1800's, Harvard turned to Deism, and then went off into transcendetalism, through the influence of men like Bronson Alcott (Louisa Mae's father, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthone and others. In the 1880's chapel services were deemed voluntary where for over 250 years they had been mandatory. Though truly one of the finest academic universities in the world today, it has become a hotbed for liberalism with predictions of over 85% of the student population and faculty having strong leanings to the left.

What a shame when we forget our heritage and the purpose for which this school was founded.

Another place in Cambridge of extreme interest in the Cambridge Commons. It is here, at what is now termed "Washington's Elm" that George Washington took command of the colonial troops for the fighting of the Revolutionary War. He hadn't wanted the appointment when asked to serve, in fact, when John Adams nominated him at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, he quietly left the room. But here he was, on July 3, in the middle of the Commons, arriving after a three day rain which left the place a literal quagmire. Troops discouraged, no place to stay, no food, no ammunition, it was said that Washington would have had no one to command had he dismissed those who were too young to serve, too old to serve, or those of bad character. But he immediately instilled within them the self-discipline and order to fight the battle ahead. He banned all cursing and made it mandatory that all men attend regular chapel services. He began building there supply of amunition and eventually would send Henry Knox to Ft. Ticonderoga to bring back cannon which would be used almost a year later to drive out the British from Boston. He gave the Revoltuionary army what it needed - leadership, self-discipline and a sense of orderly purpose.

Amazingly enough, that's what we need today in order to take a stand for what is right in our daily lives. Galatians 5:1 exhorts us to "Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Paul also wrote to Timothy and said that no man who is in the battle entangles himself with the affairs of this life so that he might please Him who has chosen him to be a soldier.

May we be that good soldier, disciplined, trained and ready for our Commander-in-Chief's use. Let us not be entangled with the selfish pursuits of man, but let us walk in obedience to the truth of the Word of God which sets us free.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Park Street Church

It's Sunday morning - Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! Thank you for the love, time, patience and investments you have made in the lives of your children. It is true that the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world. We are going to Park Street Church in Boston this morning. It is probably the most evangelical church in the Boston area and for hundreds of years has been a truly bright light of the gospel in Boston and America. The influence of the church is of great significance in our society today. May it continue to be a beacon of hope to the people of Boston.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Presidents, Planning & Providence

Today was an extremely interesting and eventful day.

First we had the privilege of visiting the libraries of John F. Kennedy and the persoanl library of John & John Quincy Adams. What a difference in these presidents. Kennedy was known for his social agenda - Adams for his promotion of liberty and justice. The Kennedy family was known for its extreme wealth not always gained in an honorable fashion while the Adams were mere farmers who were also patriots. JFK was known for his little indiscretions, especially in regards to Marilyn Monroe, while John and John Quincy were of impeccable character. The Adams promoted family values while the Kennedy's promoted values clarification apart from the scripture. John Adams read his Bible daily, JFK was well read. John Adams stood up for injustice at the Boston Massacre by defending the British in a court of law, while JFK was also valiant in the defense of his country during World War II.

After finishing at the Adams house, we got lost on the trolley and were 20 minutes late to our lunch appointment, making us about 20-30 minutes behind schedule the rest of the day. We ate lunch at the beautiful Cambridge Galleria then went to see Old Ironsides, the oldest active commissioned war ship in the world. It was amazing to see this ship that had fought in the war of 1812 and was commissioned and named by George Washington himself when he established the Navy. We decided to take the full tour this year which we hadn't done for about ten years. That kept us from catching up on our time - we were still 30 minutes behind. That made us 30 minutes late to dinner, which was no big deal because we had only one more thing to do after dinner.

We went to Quincy Market which I always enjoy doing, the over to the Holocaust Memorial. We walked through there very slowly, viewing the memorial and then sending the students across the street where everyone would wait and then we would talk to them for about 15 minutes before boarding the subway and going back to the motel.

About 5 minutes before everyone was through the memorial, fire trucks, emergency vehicles, and police cars were flooding the area and shutting off Government Center. We got word that the very subway we were to get on was involved in a subway crash at the time we would probably have been on the subway. Over 20 people were injured. God had providentially protected these students and all of us from danger that He knew existed.

You know, we talk all the time about the how God cares for us and protects us. But this time we got to see it first hand and know that it was definitely the Lord who was watching over us. He did that for each of us this day whether we realize it or not. May we live in such a way that our lives might reflect His goodness and that we might be "a city that is set on a hill and cannot be hid."

AAA Insurance

I'm thinking that I need to quit my job and move to Massachusetts. They have enacted laws here that help you if you don't have a job. You see, I have this old, 1992 Nissan Stanza (I call it the Last Stanza, being a music person). It doesn't run at all. I don't have the money to fix it and it has a terrible oil leak to go on top of that. But if I quit my job and look for work in Massachusetts, they will give me a car! What kind of deal is that? Not only that, but they will pay my tax, tag, and title for a year, plus, any repairs that are needed on that car for a year. To top all of it off, I get AAA auto insurance for a year - FREE! I really like AAA insurance because you have a breakdown on the road or something like that and they will come bail you out. (Oh, there's that thought of another government funded bail-out!) THEN, what happens at the end of the year, whether or not I have found or maintained a job - I GET TO KEEP THE CAR!!! WOW!!!! I'm glad the government is taking care of me. I had thought about working a job of lesser income in addition to what I do to make ends meet. I had thought about cutting my spending in order to make ends meet. I had thought about that long-needed diet to cut down on the food bill and not buying that new suit of clothes to go with all the other things that I don't fit anymore. Butnow I don't have to, hey, I can get another car and let the government pay for everything! I am relieved!!

Of course, this is costing the Massachusetts taxpayer at least $6000 per car, per year. And government is getting another foothold in controlling my life. And government never gives to anyone that which it first does not take from the people. Maybe I should rethink my move. I think I like working, meeting my own needs (actually the Lord gives me strength to meet my needs and provides for my family daily - that's better than any government provision). I like not being dependent on the government for everything (next thing you know they are going to want to provide national health care for me, or something like that). By the way - I love living in Oklahoma with my beautiful wife and loving children, a fantastic place to work and a wonderful church. Boomer Sooner!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Forefathers Monument Financing

I could write all day about the Forefathers Monument or "Faith Monument" as it is sometimes referred to, but the financing of this 81 foot solid granite structure is truly amazing in itself. Started with a gift of a guinnie during the presidency of George Washington, over 11,000 people contributed to the building of this monument. The designer and the one who promised to oversee the raising of funds in the 1850's was a Bostonian by the name of Hammett Billings. Hammett was a painter, an architect, and a Bible scholar. He is known for painting over 60 murals on the book of Revelation and his design of the Forefather's Monument is filled with references to the importance of the Word of God in the life of the Pilgrims. But he died, as did his brother, Joe, and the work and the financing continued for quite sometime.

There are 5 main statues of this monument and herein comes the interesting part of the financing. The 36 foot statue of Faith was financed by the governor of Massachusetts who thought that if there was anyone who should live a life of faith in God it should be the governor of Massachusetts. The statue of Morality was financed as a joint venture by (you're not gonna believe this) the legislatures of both Massachuesetts and Connecticut who believed that they should hold up the morality of the Bible at all costs. (?????) The statue of Law was financed by the lawyers of Connecticut who believed in the rule of law and being governed with justice and equity according to the Word of God. The staute of Education was financed by a penny crusade held across our country by the children of America. (Now that sounds more like it!) Finally the statue of Liberty was financed by a grant from the United States Congress. Interestingly enough, that statue decries tyranny and promotes its overthrow by the sharing of the gospel of Peace found in Jesus Christ alone. Peace through strength is one of this statue's major symbolisms.

It's interesting how far we have strayed from the truth, isn't it? Let us rededicate ourselves to upholding and restoring our liberties by living a life of faith, holding forth the highest standards of morality even though it may fly in the face of tolerance and multi-culturalism. Let us make laws which agree with God's Word and uphold a standard of truth and justice with equity. And may we educate ourselves and our children in the ways of God, learning to think and reason from God's Word rather than follow any teaching that comes our way. May God grant us grace and courage to do what is right!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Plymouth - America's Hometown

Hi - My friend, Mike McGee, encouraged me to blog while on the trip to Boston that I am on with a group of about 85 people from Christian Heritage Academy. So here I go, hope you enjoy.

Plymouth is America's hometown. Started by the Pilgrims, or Separatists as they were known in England, this is truly the birthplace of liberty. The pilgrims landed in 1620 and over half of them died in the first winter. However, they came to this land with a desire in their heart to be a people that God would use for the propagating of the gospel of the kingdom of Christ. This evening as I stood atop Burial Hill and saw the grave of Governor William Bradford and the grave marker of Adoniram Judson, America's first foreign missionary, I was reminded again of America's purpose to be the fullest expression of Christian liberty in the world and to use that liberty for the spreading of the gospel of Christ. I am called by God, as is every believer in Christ American or not, to share His love and message of salvation to the world. May we be ever faithful to fulfill that purpose each day. God bless!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Boston Bound

It will be awhile before I blog again. I have the privilege of going to Boston and Plymouth with a group fo fine Seniors from Christian Heritage Academy to see with them the place where our American Christian Heritage began. There are many places of tremendous significance in the history of our nation in that area and this will be my 18th trip to that wonderful place. When I return, I will be sharing about the providential Hand of God in the establishment of our nation. God richest blessings to all who read this blog. I hope it makes you think and is an encouragement to you to reclaim your American Christian Heritage!

Governor Blunders

During his first term in office, Governor Brad Henry was a relatively quiet governor, not wanting to rock the boat and miss the opportunity for re-election.Now in his second term his true colors are really beginning to show. In the past couple of weeks he has vetoed a bill which would have banned embryonic stem cell research in Oklahoma. His pro-death (some call it pro-choice) stance is becoming more bold and evident for all to see. It is obvious that Governor Henry has no concern for the rights of the unborn. Then our governor used his power to issue an executive order. Executive orders, you would think, would be for the purpose of making an emergency decision to protect our life, liberty and property. But not so this time. Because a rock song by a group called the Flaming Lips was voted down in our legislature as the "State Rock Song", our governor, wielded his power and issued an executive order declaring the Flaming Lips song our official state rock song. Now our state really needed that. I'm sure that order helps protect my life, liberty and property. I feel so relieved now that I'm sure our economy will experience a great upswing in spite of the condition of our national economy. Of course, I speak facetiously. How could our governor be so foolish!!!! The purpose of government is not to endorse the song of any group. If Governor Henry wishes to listen to the Flaming Lips that is fine. But do not impose on the citizens of Oklahoma, the song, lyrics, or association with a group that is known for one of its members wearing the communist hammer and sickle to our state capital and then known even more for the profanity with which they speak. I do not care who they are or where they are from, it is not a wise decision to exalt men of obvious low character to a place of honor in our state.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Powers of Government

Every government possesses three basic powers. We know these in our government as the 3 branches of government - legislative, executive and judicial. Basically, the legislative branch of government exercises the power of government to make laws. Our Congress is made up of elected officials who serve for a certain amount of time to represent the people in making laws for the better ordering of the people among themselves. These laws are to be made to protect the individual and his property especially against theft and fraud. This is to be the most powerful branch of government. We are a nation based on written law, not the word of a king or a small group of men. As such, it is very important that man's laws do not violated God's law. The second branch of government is the executive branch which has the power to carry out the laws. This branch is very important because it is the one who makes sure the laws which have been made are carried out. They are, in many ways, the actual ones in the trenches making sure our property is protected. This branch deals with the hands on work of making sure laws are obeyed and properly enforced. It is very important with this power of government that the one who is leading this branch is most concerned with serving those he leads and to be careful not to use his position for his own personal agenda and authority. Our final branch of government is the judicial branch which is given the responsibility or power of interpreting the laws that are made. This branch is concerned with the administration of justice and equity. Of all the branches of government, our forefathers felt this was to be the least powerful. It was to deal with making sure that the laws made by the legislative branch were consistent with the law of God and that those laws were carried out with judicious care. They were to be a watchdog for the other branches of government to help protect against the greed of man in the legislative branch and the desire for power in the executive branch. Each power or branch of government was to remain separate of the others because our forefathers understood the sinful natures of men and knew that too much power vested in one man or one group of men could result in an abusive use of power because of the corruptiong nature of power.

Today, in our society, we have lost sight of the proper balance of the powers or branches of government. Our judicial branch of government is wielding almost unchecked power. They have not protected life, liberty or property. Our executive branch has become a platform to promote a social agenda that is anti-Christian and ultra-liberal. Our legislative branch has become a group of pawns for the executive branch, with the controlling political party selfishly promoting its own interests and not creating laws which will protect man's God-given rights.

We have a choice, we have a responsibility. Our leaders are a reflection of we the people. If we exhibit selfishness, a personal agenda, and a disregard for the laws, why should we be surprised when those in governmental positions do the same? If we seek to manipulate the system to our own benefit, why does it bother us when those whom we elected blatantly disregard the law? Our offices are filled with corruption and deceit. There are those who do execute their function of government properly, but those seem to be few and far between. We the people must return to the Word of God. We must follow its law of love and light and not be controlled by our own greed and passion. We must learn to do what is right and deal in a just and equitable manner with one another. We must live with a moral excellence or virtue which compels us to be upright, honest, morally pure, and honorable. For it is when we, as a upright people, stand up for what is right and not tolerate the vices of those in leadership positions that gradual change will take place which will return us to the proper function fo the powers of governmentand the restoration of our liberties.

Monday, April 27, 2009

God's Laws - Man's Laws

The laws of man should never violate the Law of God. When it does, only evil can be the result because man, at that point, has exalted himself above God. Recently in Oklahoma we have decided to make ourselves out as a god. Our governor vetoed a bill which would have banned embryonic stem cell research in our state. Of course this is one hot topic today. Do we have the right to take a life to possibly save another? It begs the question once again of when life truly begins. As we look at the Word of God, the scripture clearly states that before we were even formed in the womb, God knew us and had a plan for our lives. The Bible states that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. By reason of God's design for pregnancy, He oversees the development of the child within its mother's womb. What a beautiful thing! But man has decided that he has the right to choose when life begins. Abortions and partial birth abortions are rampant in our society. And now even the smallest embryo, the fertilized egg is not safe from the deadly research that men perform in the name of humanitarianism. How could we be so blind and ignorant of the design of God for human life and the precious gift that it is? Our state House of Representatives recognized the gift of life from God and voted to override the veto of our liberal governor. But our State Senate supported the governor by 6 votes. The blood of these unborn children will be on the hands of those who legislate death in the name of humanitariansm. We cannot violate the law of God and still receive His blessing. May those state senators and our governor hear from us who oppose the decision they have made.

For documentation of what the Bible says regarding life in the womb, read Psalm 139:13-18.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Spheres of Government

The realm of government is extremely vast, isn't it? We have looked at what government is, what its basic purpose and function is, and the different levels of government. There are also seperate spheres of government in which we live, and understanding these different spheres and how they work togetheris vital to our understanding of government.

The first sphere of government that was established in the scriptures is that of the home. It is the foundational unit of society. It is there that we learn how to govern ourselves and how to relate well with others. When God created man He said, "It is not good that man should dwell alone, I will make a help-meet for him." Genesis 2:18 Then he made a woman for the man and declared blessing on that union. He did not declare blessing on the union of a man with a man or a woman with a woman. In fact, in Romans 1 He condemns those types of relationships as being corrupt, unnatural, and a result of man rejecting God. No wonder there is such an attack on the family unit today. If Satan can get us to believe that any union is natural, that the family unit is not important, that children are wards of the state and not the responisiblity of the family, that children do not need to respond properly to parental authority, then he has gone a long way to ruining the structure of government that God intended. The family - one man with one woman for a lifetime - raising children in the fear and admonition of the Lord is God's design. As we follow God's design we are most blessed. When we ignore or distort God's design we do not receive His blessing. Does that mean that single parent situations cannot be blessed by God? No, it just means that if we follow the biblical pattern we understand that a whole family unit is always best. We learn so much in the true family unit - love, acceptance, a proper work ethic, conflict resolution, forgiveness, respect for authority and one another and much more. That first sphere of God-ordained government, the family, is the training ground for our character.

The second sphere of government that was established in scripture was that of civil government. It was established in Genesis 4 when God held Cain responsible for the death of his brother, Abel, and then put a mark on him to protect him from those who would seek to harm him. Civil governments are formed for the protection of man's God-given rights, that is his life, liberty and property (or the pursuit of happiness). It is in the realm of civil government that we learn how to relate with those outside our family. We are to be able to work together to meet the needs of one another, protected by a civil government which protects us against fraud and theft. This form of civil government is not a lord over the people, rather it is the servant of the people. We have twisted this today where we think that the people are the servant of the government and thereby individuals exist only for the benefit of the governmnet as a whole. Civil government is good and an absolute necessity, but its design has always been to serve and protect, not to control.

The third sphere of government is the church as established almost 2000 years later in Acts 2. This body of believers is intended to be light bearers in society, proclaiming and upholding the truth of God's Word. It is a haven for believers, a refuge for the needy and is to work in conjunction with the home as that which trains the conscience of men according to the Word of God. It always is to hold up the standard of God's Word as the basis for all truth and government. The church is to be an influence on the government, not the government on the church. Looking at our own Constitution we see government limited "Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion" not Christianity's influence on governemtn limited. Once again we have twisted the true meaning of how government is to function, excluding from our civil government the permeating influence of Christianity. As the influence of Christianity decreases in our society so will we lose the blessings of liberty that we enjoy. We have taken the Ten Commandments out of our schools and courtyards and have seen a steady rise in crime, injustice, corruption and violence. Why? Because we have not allowed the church to train our conscience's with God's Word. Also the church has lost its influence because it has gone to a feel-good message and not proclaimed the truth of who God is, who man is and how he can come into a proper relationship with Christ, His only hope for salvation.

The family, the civil government and the church are the three spheres of government. One does not work properly without the other two. It is important for us to once again honor the family for what God intended it to be and restore it to its rightful place as the basic unit of society. In civil government, we need to restore it to its original purpose of protecting and preserving man's God-given rights. And in the church, we need to once again become the truth proclaimers, holding forth the Word of God as the standard of absolute truth in every area and proclaim salvation in Christ alone.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Standing For Liberty

"Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1

Cherish sweet liberty! Liberty, a gift from God, is not the freedom to do whatever I want, but is the freedom to do what is right according to the Word of God. On this day, April 19th, we have three very vivid illustrations of what it means to stand for liberty. Unfortunately, two of the examples are not good examples, while the other is.

The year was 1993. On April 19, the Massacre at Waco occcured. A group of extremeists, called Branch Davidians, in the name of religious and political libery fought against federal agents and there compound was burned to the ground killing the extremeists along with many women and children. Their claim was that the federal government had taken their liberties from them and they were going to reclaim them. This was not standing for liberty. The gospel of Christ is not a militant religion like the Islamic religion. Scripture says in Proverbs, that when a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Just a couple of years later, on April 19, 1995, at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Timothy McVeigh set off a bomb which destroyed the building, killing over 100 innocent men, women, and children in the blast. This he and his conspirators did, no doubt, in the name of freedom. They blamed the government for the problems of the day and their retaliation was to murder and injure all those innocent people who worked for the government. This was not standing for liberty. This was a rebellion by a group who did not want to live according to the law.

But on another April 19th, in 1775 to be exact, another group of Americans did stand properly for liberty. These men were mostly farmers, with some tradesmen. Some were just young boys, or young men just starting their families. Some were older. The had been living under a government, the British government, which did not give them the rights of Englishmen to be represented in Parliament. They had no representation and were being taxed unlawfully. British soldiers could come in a take the fruits of their labor, stay in their homes and commandeer their property without these people having any recourse with the government. They had heard that the British were coming to their town looking for two men, Samuel Adams and John Hancock. They had been warned by a man named Paul Revere. They were also looking for stores of weapons and ammunition because the British did not want the people to be able to defend themselves. So there they stood on Lexington Green, a beautiful area where their animals grazed, waiting in silence for the British to come into their town. There were less than 100 men and boys who would stand against the British troops of almost 1000 that early April morning. As the British approached, they had been instructed not to shoot, that this would be a peaceful demonstration of protest. Yet while speaking with the British Commander, the shot "heard round the world" was fired, most say by one of the British soldiers (that is if you live in America - no one knows who really shot first) and the Revolutionary War had begun. The farmers quickly dispersed with a few of them being killed in the fray. The British left Lexington and went to Concord where they would encounter a greater resistance.

Let us not forget the firm resolve and the stand for liberty that was taken that day at the Battle of Lexington. May God give us the courage to stand for what is right, to do it in the proper way. Not a way which will bring intentional harm on the innocent ones we say we are standing for, but that we will know, understand, and apply the principles of liberty in our daily lives. May God bless America, still the fullest expression of Christian liberty upon the earth.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What Happened After the Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was one of the most significant events that happened for our nation to gain independence from the tyranny of Great Britain. Our forefathers stood for principle and the God-given rights of man. They knew that it was wrong for the people to be taxed without proper representation. They had decided that they would not give their consent to a government who was not willing to protect them. So they took action! Do you know what happened next? I think something that proved to be even more significant than the party itself. In response to the Tea Party, the British government enacted the Boston Port Bill, closing the city of Boston to any trade and not allowing ships to enter or exit the harbor. They were going to put a choke hold on the "rebellious" city of Boston for its actions against the crown. But the true result was that the American colonies united together as never before for the cause of liberty, sending provisions to Boston so the people would be able to survive the oppression that was being placed upon the Bostonians. And survive they did - eventually Boston was that "beacon which was set on a hill and could not be hid." The great leaders of the Revolution came from that area, such men as Samuel Adams, the Father of American Revolution, John Hancock, Paul Revere and others. God took what the British government meant for evil and turned it out for something good.

In the days we are living we have started to stand up to the tyranny of government control and intervention. The people of America are once again voicing their concerns with boldness and clarity. They are once again uniting together for the cause of liberty in our land. But tough times are still coming. Will our Congress and our President listen to the American people and change their direction, or, will they continue to espouse the idea that more government control is the answer to our problems? I do not know the answer to those questions but I do know that God can take what seems to be evil and turn it to good for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose. Our hope is not in government, nor is it in man - our hope is in the Lord. As we humble ourselves, and pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, then the God of heaven will hear, and forgive our sin, and heal our land. (II Chronicles 7:14)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More Thoughts on Government

Why are civil governments formed? Why do people unite together and form a civil government? There was a time in America where states sought to secede from the Union and this led to Civil War. Even today, with all the uproar against the present administration and its lack of listening to the American people because of its desire to promote a new agenda, there are rumblings of secession from the United States. So we must answer the question, "Why are civil governments formed?"

John Locke a political philosopher, who was probably the most read and quoted philospher among our founding fathers said in his work, Of Civil Government, that "the great and chief end therefore, of men uniting into commonwealths, and putting themselves under government, is the preservation of their property." Our forefather knew and stated in the Declaration of Independence that their rights were God-given and that governments were instituted among men for the preservation of these rights. By the way, the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness which our forefathers wrote in the Declaration was almost a direct quote from Locke who used the terminology of life, liberty and property. Our forefathers believed that the pursuit of happiness was not just doing whatever makes you happy, but enjoying the property rights that God had given man.

Our Constitution was written to further outline the form of government which would protect our God-given rights, our property. James Madison, the Architect of the Constitution, and the 4th President of our United States said this, "We have staked the whole future of American civilization,not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government; upon the capacity for each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the 10 Commandments of God."

Madison was on the right track. He, as did our other framers of the Constitution, understood the importance of men governing themselves if their freedom was to be preserved. But we have chosen as a nation to allow the federal government to dictate to us what we should do. The Constitution was not a limit upon the individual, but rather a document which placed great limits upon the government. Government is not and was not designed to be the answer to our problems. Our Cosntitituion provided for free-market economics, where government was seen to protect the individual from theft and fraud. Our Constitution limited the powers of the Executive, so that he would not try to usurp authority and become a king. Our Constitution did not provide for healthcare, education, or disaster relief. That was the responsibility of the families and the church. Americans have been generous, loving people who have sought to aid and care for one another without the assistance of government. But we have bowed to the "nanny state" so much that now we feel like we are entitled to such things as national healthcare or education. Madison, Washington, Adams, and others would have thought it absurd for the federal government to be involved in education because they felt that education was the responsibility of the home as stated in the scripture and were "home-schooled" themselves.

As Americans, and especially those of us who call ourselves Ameican Christians, we need to analyze the purpose of government and then live in such a way that we take the responsibility of providing for our families and protecting our property. May God give us grace to do that in these days.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Real Issue of the Tea Party

In America this day, April 15, 2009, the American people peacefully displayed their displeasure at the government's intervention into the affairs of the people and its handling of the economy. The people voiced their opinions loud and clear for our legislators and President to hear, that we are not pleased with the new agenda for America, that we are not pleased with the bailouts (or buyouts) that are taking place, that we are tired of the federal and state governmenta spending more than it has and plunging America into trillions of dollars of debt, from which we will probably never recover, and that we are infuriated that the government through its tax and spend policies are taking more and more of our earnings from us. But what is the real issue? These things are of great concern but there is something much more important at stake for us. Maybe if we look back in history, to the Boston Tea Party, and examine what was at stake there, we can discover what is the real issue.

On Thursday, December 16, 1773, the Boston Tea Party took place. The colonists had negotiated for more than 20 days that they did not want the tea from the East India Tea Company because of the tax that the British had levied upon it. They had encouraged the tea be returned but with no avail. They exhausted every avenue of not paying a tax on tea that had been put upon them without their consent. But to no avail. Finally, Samuel Adams, the Father of the American Revolution, announced from the pulpit of the Old South Meeting House, a Puritan church building, that "this meeting can do nothing more to save the country". At that time colonists dressed as Indians left the area of the Old South Meeting House and went to Griffins Wharf where they dumped the tea in Boston Harbor. Richard Frothingham in his, "Rise of the American Republic" (1890) records that those who participated in the dumping of the tea "proved quiet and systematic workers. No one interfered with them. No other property was injured; no person was harmed; no tea was allowed to be carried away; and the silence of the crowd on shore was such that the noise of the breaking the chests was distinctly heard among them." John Adams said, "This is the most magnificent movement of all. There is a dignity, a majesty, a sublimity, in this last effort of the patriots, that I greatly adore." Joseph Warren wrote: " We can never enough adore that Almighty Disposer, who has, as it were, by general inspiration awakened a whole continent to a sense of their danger."

Danger from what you might ask. The danger is this: that government would govern and make decisions without the consent of the governed. Our internal property of consent is being violated just as it was back before the days of the Revolutionary War. The purpose of government is to protect and preserve our God-given rights, not dictate to us what they want to do. It is not the purpose of government to provide for us. Government has no right to take from us to fulfill its agenda, but if it takes away our property of consent it can take anything it wants. We do not want a government to make decisions for us concerning who we will or will not buy a car from, or how we will pay for our home, or how much we make. We want a government that will protect our freedom to choose, to make decisions, to voluntarily exchange with those whom we desire, to let us keep, enjoy and use our property as we want, without infringing upon the rights of others. Our consent is a precious property, and, if we allow government to make decisions which affect us without our consent, we will lose the blessings of liberty which we now enjoy.

So express your opinion America - boldly, respectfully, and unashamedly. Let your governing officials know how you feel about the matters at hand in our country and state today. Remind them that they are elected officials and if they fail to responsibly represent you, then you will vote for someone else next election. Why? Because we will not consent to being governed by those who have their own personal agendas and well-being above the people whom they serve. And our consent is a property that is not to be violated!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thoughts on the Nature of Government

Government is a very interesting topic these days. There is always talk of the federal government and what it is doing or not doing that is good or bad. We read of corruption, greed and ignorance on the part of those involved with our government on both federal and state levels, even down to our local governments. Scandals and shady dealings seem to be the norm of the day when speaking about government. But could it be that we are looking at government the wrong way as a nation? Could it be that we as individuals have never been taught what true government is, what its purpose is and what is the most powerful form of government? I know that I was taught in my school that there is no greater form of government than our federal government. But through the years I have discovered that teaching is simply not true. To refute that idea we must first understand what government is. According to Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary government is "control, direction, regulation and restraint." That seems pretty simple. But listen to a statement made by the Dutch jurist, statesman and theologian, Hugo Grotius as he describes the breadth of government. He said "He knows not how to rule a kingdom, that cannot manage a Province; nor can he wield a Province, that cannot order a city; nor he order a city, that knows not how to regulate a Village; nor he a Village, that cannot guide a Family; nor can that man govern well a Family that knows not how to govern himself; neither can he govern himself unless reason be Lord, will and appetite her vassals; nor can reason rule unless herself be ruled by God, and (wholly) be obedient to Him." What wisdom! It seems that we may have things backwards. According to Grotius, the most powerful form of government is Christian self-government, where our reason is ruled by God and is obedient to Him. We live in a world today where people's passions run almost totally unrestrained. We are in bondage to our own lusts and desires and do not know how to deny ourselves even though we know what we are involved in is bad for us. We need to rediscover the truth that the greatest form of govenrment that exists is when men, under the control of God's Spirit and in obedience to His Word, begin to act like men of reason and not men of impulse and passion. We need to learn to rule ourselves, so that we can rule our families properly, so that we can then rule in our towns with justice and equity. You see, control, direction, regulation and restraint must first take place internally before it can be properly expressed externally. We must learn to do right regardless of the consequences, to uphold the Word of God as the standard of truth and justice in our personal lives, in our families, in our schools, and churches before it can be effective in our cities, counties, states, and nation. That is called taking personal responsibility. Nothing will change until we take responsibility for governing ourselves. That, I believe, is God's plan. May He give us the grace to govern ourselves and do what is right according to His Word.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Gift of Life

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - that to secure these rights, governmnets are instituted among men . . ." The Declaration of Independence, 1776

The gift of life, given to us by God, is one of the most precious and fundamental rights that all human beings have, not just Americans. We have been created by our all-wise Creator, in the very image of God, to bear His likeness and reveal His glory. We are not the product of an evolutionary process and thereby relegated to animal status. Rather, we have been "fearfully and wonderfully made" according to Psalm 139. As a created being, we have purpose and meaning in our life. If we were just a higher form of animal (which we are not), then our life would only be lived for the here and now, without purpose or meaning. To take the life of another would be an action relative to our own personal wants and desires. If a baby is unwanted, abort it. If an elderly person outlives their usefulness to society, assist them in ending their life. By abortion and euthenasia we have proclaimed ourselves as god in determining who should live and who should not. Even more, let us cheapen the value of life by indulging ourselves in pornography or the promotion of unnatural lifestyles such as homosexuality, lesbianism, beastiality and other such perverse practices. After all, life is about me, what I want, what I like, and how I can be happy. There is no such thing as absolute truth. We can just live any way we please and who is to say that we are wrong? All these ideas are a result of our misunderstanding of the true meaning of life. The reason we have abandoned the idea of absolute truth is that we do not want to face the truth, so we ignore it or suppress it. We have rejected the Word of God as truth by removing it from our schools and making it, and the principles it espouses, the object of our ridicule and crude humor. We do not acknowledge God as the giver of life because then we would have to admit that we are responsible to Him for the way that we live. If there is a Creator, then I must have been created for a purpose and I might not like what that purpose is. If I was created in the image of God, then I would have to admit that life does not center around me, my wants, my desires, my indulgences, but around Him. But truth does not change. God is the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of this universe. All things were made by Him and for Him (Colossians 1:15-17). God's Word is forever settled in heaven (Psalm 119:89). Man, though made in the image of God, sinned against God and is in need of a Savior or he will ulimately stand before God in judgement, (Romans 3:23; Hebrews 9:27) But that which gives us hope, inestimable value and purpose in life is that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, left the glories of heaven to come to this earth and take upon Himself the form of a servant. He then died a substitutionary death on the cross for you and me to pay the penalty and bear the judgement for our sin. Then, by the power of God, was raised from the dead on the 3rd day, rising triumphant over sin, death, and the grave so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Those who turn from their sin and trust Christ alone for their salvation recieve the gift of etrnal life. (Romans 6:23) You see, God's design for man is not death, but life. He has showed us the value He places on life by what He has done for us. Our forefathers recognized this. It would do us well to recognize it to by living our lives to the glory of the Lord of Life, Jesus Christ. Happy Easter! He is risen indeed!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blessed Is The Nation

Psalm 33:12 declares "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance." When a nation recognizes God as the LORD, Jehovah, Almighty God, they will be blessed. In our day of multi-culturalism and the recognition of many different gods, such as Allah or Buddha or some other so called deity, God's Word states that there is only one God and that He blesses the nation who recognizes Him as the only God. When we as a nation recognize other so-called deities and try to include them with the one true God, we are in fact rejecting the God of the Bible. Jesus did not say that He was a way to God, He stated that He was the way to God and no one could come to the Father but by Him (John 14:6) But who is this God and how can we know Him? God has revealed Himself to us through His Creation (Psalm 19:1,2), through His Word (John 5:39) and through His Son, Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3) As we study the scripture we discover that the one true God is holy and just in all His ways, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, the sovereign God who works all things after the counsel of His own will(Ephesians 1:11). According to Exodus 34:6 the Lord God is compassionated and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth, who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished. He has revealed Himself to us through His Son, Jesus Christ, who came to this earth, lived a perfect sinless life, died on the cross for our sin, was buried but rose again the 3rd day, showing himself to many after His resurrection and finally ascending into heaven where He now intercedes for His people. One day He will return to this earth to set up His kingdom where He will reigh as King of Kings and Lord of Lords forever and ever! Those who know Him will spend eternity with Him in heaven. Those who reject Him will spend an eternity in the lake of fire. And that is just beginning. There is so much for us to know about this Creator God that it will take eternity for us to know Him and to understand His ways. So why is it important for a nation to honor Him as the LORD and be blessed by Him. It is because our theology (what we believe about God) directly affects our philosophy of living. It affects how we interpret history (the study of who is in control) which affects our philosophy of government (how man should be governed) and our philosophy of economics (how we believe man's needs should be met). It all begins with a proper, biblical understanding of who God is. If we miss that, then we as a nation will not be blessed. We as a nation today are suffering from an ignorance of who the one true God really is because we have rejected His Word and denied its truth. May we as Americans, and especially if we call ourselves American Christians, return to the truth of God's Word and rediscover who our awesome, powerful, personal, infinite God is as we seek His face with all of our heart.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Author of Liberty

On the steps of the Park Street Church on July 4, 1831 a group of children from the church gathered to sing a new song in celebration of the Independence of America. That song, "My Country Tis of Thee", was sung with joy as people celebrated their liberty as Americans. The man who wrote the words to the German melody was Samuel Francis Smith, a student at Andover Theological Seminary, and he wrote those words in fulfillment of a request by his friend, Lowell Mason. This songs praises the blessings of liberty and the God of liberty. Listen to the last verse: "Our father's God to Thee, Author of Liberty, to Thee we sing. Long may our land be bright, with freedom's holy light, protect us by Thy might, great God our King." There was no mistake in the ears and hearts of those who heard this song where their liberty originated. It wasn't with the government, it wasn't founded within themselves, or Mohammed, or Buddha, or any other false god. The Author of liberty was the one true God as revealoed in the Holy Bible. Early colonists had declared during the Revolutionary War that they had no king, but Jesus. And herein is something that is a very simple, yet extremely profound concept to understanding liberty. Liberty is a gift from God. This was plainly stated in the opening statement of our own Declaration of Independence. Whether it be internal spiritual liberty, liberty of conscience (which our government and planned parenthood are demanding our doctors of conscience to violate by mandating abortions or the possibility of losing your doctoral license), or religious liberty (the freedom to worship God according to the scriptures), or political or economic liberty, these liberties are all a gift from our Creator God. And because government is not the author of liberty, then government, nor any other institution, has the right to remove our liberties from us. And let us not be naive, every other religion that man has invented produces not liberty, but bondage. The Islamic religion is not a religion of freedom but a religion of bondage and despotism. To put it on the same plane as Christianity would be uttter deception indeed. Jesus said in John 8:32 - "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." He also said in John 14:6 - "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me." True freedom comes as one enters into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As a person does that, he expresses true internal liberty which eventually results in the expression of external liberty. May we, who have internal liberty in Christ, live in such a way, that others may see and come to know the glorious liberty that there is in Christ. May we be used of God to preserve the liberty that He has given us in this land. May God bless this "sweet land of liberty" from the onslaughts that would seek to take our liberty and the blessings of liberty from us!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wake Up America!

Wake up America! No longer can we be silent as our liberties are dwindling in our country. Dr. Jedidiah Morse in an election sermon delivered on April 23, 1799 said, "Our dangers are of two kinds, those which affect our religion, and those which affect our government. They are, however, so closely allied that they cannot, without propriety, be seperated. The foundations which support the interests of Christianity, are also necessary to support a free and equal government like our own. In all those countries where there is little or no religion, or a very grosss and corrupt one, as in Mahometan and Pagan countries, there you will find, with scarcely a single exception, arbitrary and tyrannical governments, gross ignorance and wickedness, and deplorable wretchedness among the people. To the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom, and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoy. In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation, either through unbelief, or the corruption of its doctrines, or the neglect of its institutions; in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom, and approximatethe miseries of complete despotism. I hold this to be a truth confirmed by experience. If so, it follows, that all efforts made to destroy the foundations of our holy religion, ultimately tend to the subversion also of our political freedom and happiness. Whenever the pillars of Christianity shalll be overthrown, our present republican forms of government, and all the blessings which flow from them, must fall with them." ( The Chritian History of the Constitution of the United States of America,pIV) Dr. Morse was right. He recognized Jehovah God as the author of our liberty and the influence of Christianity as the preserving foundation for our liberties. As I read of the "Buyout", I mean, bailout of the American economy, the increased intervention, confiscation and control of our property by the government, the promotion of abortion, "alternative" lifestyles, embryonic stem cell research, proposed nationalization of health care and industry, I am amazed at what is happening. But I understand that these things are happening because we, as a nation, have turned away from the absolute truth of God's Word and embraced all religions. It simply won't work. Learn us return to the truth of the Holy Scriptures. Let us return with humble hearts to the Lord. Let us relearn our American Christian history and principles of government that our forefathers held based upon the Word of God. Let us wake up and reclaim that which has been given to us by God and not the government. This blog is dedicated to educating in the principles of history and government taught from God's Word. Why? I guess it's time for me to wake up.