Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rights - Responsibilities

There is much confusion in our society today over the question of rights. What rights do people possess. Do we have a right to life? Do we have a right to liberty? Do we have a right to the pursuit of happiness (and what do you really mean by that?)? Do we have a right to education? Do we have the right to health care? Do we have the right to protect our property? Do we have the right to voice our opinions in a civil manner even if they differ with what is politicaaly correct? People are always clamoring for their rights? We have an entitlement mentality that our parents owe us something, or our government owes us something, or somebody owes us something. But what is the truth?

Our forefathers stated that we do have rights given to us by God which no man or institution can rightfully take away from us, that is, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which, if you read John Locke from whom that statement is almost a direct quote you find to mean the ownership and use of private property.

Do we have a right to education? Well, we have a responsibility to educate and that responsibility is that of the home, not the government. The clear teaching of scripture is that education is first and foremost the responsibility of the home. But a right to education - I think not. That is why when those who are not directly responsible for the education of our young people indoctrinate them with ideas and values that are contrary to what we believe they are usurping their position. We must be careful who we allow to teach our young people, what we allow them to teach our children, and the methods they use to teach our children. That is why there should be outrage over teaching young minds to praise Obama like he were a god. That is why there should be outrage when our school systems teach lifestyles such as homosexuality and other perverse lifestyles as something that is acceptable. It is our responsiblity to educate (either directly or through oversight) our children. If we leave it up to someone else or the government, there is no telling the things that they will learn. They are not waiting till they get into Junior High, High School or college to spread their poison - it is happening as soon as they enter the school system in elementary school.

And do we have a right to health care? I don't think so! We have a responsibility to care and provide for ourselves. It is not the responsibility or within the constitutional powers of our government to dictate a health care program that is based on socialistic principles. We have the finest health care system in the world - others from other countries come to us - we don't go to them. Is it expensive - yes, but much of that cost is due to the ever increasing intervention by our government. Research and development cost - but in a free marketplace where ideas and goods can be freely exchanged, costs will eventually come down to what the market will bear. Will everyone be able to afford it - probably not, but the issue that will be before us if we go to a national health care plan will not be whether or not we can afford something, but, will the government determine that we are eligible for the treatment. They decide - not you and me - and that's a scary thought! By the way, the government only gives to one as it takes from another - everything has a cost that must be paid. If the government is giving to some it has to take from others whether they want to give it or not.

Right now the choice is ours. If we fail to exercise our choice and live responsibly, then we will lose the God-given liberties that truly are our rights. Take responsiblity for yourself, for your family, for their education, for their health. Don't expect or ask the govenment to provide for you - and don't let them take from you without your consent. Government will not give back that which it takes away. If we do not stand up and speak out, we will lose the right to choose and end up living in a socialistic society where personal freedom and choice will be lost.

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least you moved from outright untruth to the sphere of opinion....
