Sunday, May 3, 2009

Governor Blunders

During his first term in office, Governor Brad Henry was a relatively quiet governor, not wanting to rock the boat and miss the opportunity for re-election.Now in his second term his true colors are really beginning to show. In the past couple of weeks he has vetoed a bill which would have banned embryonic stem cell research in Oklahoma. His pro-death (some call it pro-choice) stance is becoming more bold and evident for all to see. It is obvious that Governor Henry has no concern for the rights of the unborn. Then our governor used his power to issue an executive order. Executive orders, you would think, would be for the purpose of making an emergency decision to protect our life, liberty and property. But not so this time. Because a rock song by a group called the Flaming Lips was voted down in our legislature as the "State Rock Song", our governor, wielded his power and issued an executive order declaring the Flaming Lips song our official state rock song. Now our state really needed that. I'm sure that order helps protect my life, liberty and property. I feel so relieved now that I'm sure our economy will experience a great upswing in spite of the condition of our national economy. Of course, I speak facetiously. How could our governor be so foolish!!!! The purpose of government is not to endorse the song of any group. If Governor Henry wishes to listen to the Flaming Lips that is fine. But do not impose on the citizens of Oklahoma, the song, lyrics, or association with a group that is known for one of its members wearing the communist hammer and sickle to our state capital and then known even more for the profanity with which they speak. I do not care who they are or where they are from, it is not a wise decision to exalt men of obvious low character to a place of honor in our state.

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