Friday, April 17, 2009

What Happened After the Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party was one of the most significant events that happened for our nation to gain independence from the tyranny of Great Britain. Our forefathers stood for principle and the God-given rights of man. They knew that it was wrong for the people to be taxed without proper representation. They had decided that they would not give their consent to a government who was not willing to protect them. So they took action! Do you know what happened next? I think something that proved to be even more significant than the party itself. In response to the Tea Party, the British government enacted the Boston Port Bill, closing the city of Boston to any trade and not allowing ships to enter or exit the harbor. They were going to put a choke hold on the "rebellious" city of Boston for its actions against the crown. But the true result was that the American colonies united together as never before for the cause of liberty, sending provisions to Boston so the people would be able to survive the oppression that was being placed upon the Bostonians. And survive they did - eventually Boston was that "beacon which was set on a hill and could not be hid." The great leaders of the Revolution came from that area, such men as Samuel Adams, the Father of American Revolution, John Hancock, Paul Revere and others. God took what the British government meant for evil and turned it out for something good.

In the days we are living we have started to stand up to the tyranny of government control and intervention. The people of America are once again voicing their concerns with boldness and clarity. They are once again uniting together for the cause of liberty in our land. But tough times are still coming. Will our Congress and our President listen to the American people and change their direction, or, will they continue to espouse the idea that more government control is the answer to our problems? I do not know the answer to those questions but I do know that God can take what seems to be evil and turn it to good for those who love God and are the called according to His purpose. Our hope is not in government, nor is it in man - our hope is in the Lord. As we humble ourselves, and pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, then the God of heaven will hear, and forgive our sin, and heal our land. (II Chronicles 7:14)

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