Monday, April 27, 2009

God's Laws - Man's Laws

The laws of man should never violate the Law of God. When it does, only evil can be the result because man, at that point, has exalted himself above God. Recently in Oklahoma we have decided to make ourselves out as a god. Our governor vetoed a bill which would have banned embryonic stem cell research in our state. Of course this is one hot topic today. Do we have the right to take a life to possibly save another? It begs the question once again of when life truly begins. As we look at the Word of God, the scripture clearly states that before we were even formed in the womb, God knew us and had a plan for our lives. The Bible states that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. By reason of God's design for pregnancy, He oversees the development of the child within its mother's womb. What a beautiful thing! But man has decided that he has the right to choose when life begins. Abortions and partial birth abortions are rampant in our society. And now even the smallest embryo, the fertilized egg is not safe from the deadly research that men perform in the name of humanitarianism. How could we be so blind and ignorant of the design of God for human life and the precious gift that it is? Our state House of Representatives recognized the gift of life from God and voted to override the veto of our liberal governor. But our State Senate supported the governor by 6 votes. The blood of these unborn children will be on the hands of those who legislate death in the name of humanitariansm. We cannot violate the law of God and still receive His blessing. May those state senators and our governor hear from us who oppose the decision they have made.

For documentation of what the Bible says regarding life in the womb, read Psalm 139:13-18.

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