Tuesday, June 2, 2009

An Order from the Commander-In-Chief

Catch-A-Dream Foundation is a faith-based organization which help children with severe and terminal illnesses do things they would never otherwise be able to do. Kind of like Make-A-Wish Foundation, organizations like these do a tremendous work in helping young kids and their families enjoy their last days together. Recently, Sargeant 1st Class Greg Stube from Fort Bragg was scheduled to speak at the Foundation's annual fundraiser banquet. He had been severely injured while being deployed overseas with the Green Beret and his story is one of faith and courage. However, the Sargeant at the last minute had to cancel his speaking engagement. Why? Because an order has recently been sent down from the Commander-in-Chief, President Barak Obama that NO SERVICEMAN CAN SPEAK AT ANY FAITH-BASED PUBLIC EVENT ANYMORE. This is an atrocity and an abomination in the sight of God. Once again we see an effort by our president to enforce his religious preferences upon the entire nation. Our nation was founded upon Biblical principles. Our money says plainly on it "IN GOD WE TRUST". Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord - But when our president, in his pride and arrogance, uses his position of authority to do something this ridiculous, he is inviting resistance and judgement of God upon us for - "God resists the proud (a proud look is an abomination in the sight of God -Proverbs 6), but He gives grace to the humble. Be not deceived - God is not mocked! Our president cannot continue to mock the one true God - Jehovah and not receive His wrath. May God have mercy on us as we take a stand!


  1. This story was a hoax:


    This chain e-mail was provoked by the U.S. Army's decision not to allow Sgt. 1st Class Greg Stube to speak at the Catch-A-Dream Foundation's annual fundraiser in May. However, that decision was not based on an "Obama made" policy against "faith-based" events, as the author of this message claims. Previously existing policy prohibits military service members from participating in "fundraising" activities in an official capacity. Further, the event in question was not a "faith-based public event."

  2. From the Director of Catch A Dream:

    Brunson, May 27: Never underestimate the power of a simple e-mail message and its capacity to reach a broad audience in a short period of time. The circulation of one email message and its ancillary spin-offs has demonstrated the potential impact of a single stroke of the “send” key. It is our hope that this message is as broadly circulated and pondered.

    There is an escalating swirl of misconstruction surrounding these issues. It is evident that the American public remains fervent and passionate regarding the liberties that we enjoy as citizens of this country. That fervor, as valuable as it may be, can also sometimes result in mis-directed passion; this appears to be the case in this situation. ... Here are a few pertinent points:

    • It is vital that we all first fully understand that the decision reached by the Department of Defense regarding our request for SFC Stube to speak at our event was NOT a function of any influence or directive from the President, nor was it a change in policy. It is my understanding that the decision was based upon strict interpretation of an existing policy regarding involvement of military personnel in “fund-raising” activities. Though it has been suggested, it is not clear whether that strict interpretation represents any change in approach or application of policy. Thus, I strongly encourage us to give any benefit of doubt to our military leadership.

    • The decision was in no way related to issues regarding “faith-based” organizations. The consideration included only the question regarding “fund-raising.” The faith-based aspect was not an issue, since Catch-A-Dream, by charter, is not a faith-based foundation. ...

    • Although there was great disappointment when SFC Stube was unable to speak at the event, it is clearly recognized and understood that he was simply abiding by policy and orders, and in no way did SFC Stube abdicate any responsibility. We had, in fact, initially based our plans for the event upon personal verbal commitment and discussions, and the assumption that SFC Stube would ultimately be granted permission to honor the engagement. Regrettably, we were premature in assuming the commitment; that was our fault, not the fault of the military. ...
