Friday, June 12, 2009

Lifting Up A Standard

My, how quickly things are happening in our nation! It seems like a deluge of liberal change is occuring daily if not more frequently than that. Whether on the military front with the "mirandizing" of those who are our enemies, to the Justice Department, where a the candidate is someone sho judges on her racial bias and feelings rather than the rule of law is up for approval, to the economic realm, where capitalism is being replaced with a government run socialism, to the religious realm where the Islamic religion is being encouraged and the Christian religion is being disdained and denied. Terrorism strikes America with an admitted Moslem terrorist killing of an American soldier in a recruiting office in Arkansas. Gitmo detainees being brought to America or sent to another country where we pay them to keep them, or simply releasing them to terrorize again - we're not being very wise these days! Government taking over industry after industry in an effort to save the economy (I don't think so - they want to ultimately control the eonomy and make everything goovernment property), unemplyment soaring to new heights as owners have to cut back to meet new taxes and regulations. Our conscience, our property rights, our freedoms all under severe attack. It seems hopeliess - but it is not!!!! The Word of God instructs us that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard against him.(Isaiah 59:19) May we as American Christians be that standard that the Lord holds up by loving liberty, living righteously, and upholding a standard of truth and righteousness in our personal lives, our homes, our churches, our communities, our cities, states, and yes, even our nation. Let us not be weary in doing well. We will reap what we sow. Don't give up - keep doing what is right in your circle of influence to the glory of God and for love of our country! Pray for one another and for those who are taking a stand that God will give us strength to keep speaking up! Remember - as my friend, city councilman Larry McAtee says - in the end - WE WIN!


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