Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Lack of Representation

One of the concepts this country was founded upon is the principle of representation. Our forefathers were concerned about tyranny and also an oligarchial form of government which would put a few making the political decisions for the many without giving heed to the wishes of the people. A representative form of government allows for the voice of all to be heard and the representatives accountable to those who elected them. They are to represent their constituents while dealing with matters which face our entire nation, state, community or the various levels of governemnt.

I was recently intrigued as I heard over a newscast a discussion about who was being represented in the health care debate. It was pointed out that lobbyists and special interests groups were spending extremely large amounts of money to get their interests served. Deals, of course, have been struck in an effort to gain passage of the bill to the uprorar of the states who are not getting those deals and even among those in the states who are receiving the special deals. People realize that what is going on is not right. But the question was posed - Who represents the people to the legislators?

What???? The legislators are to represent the people, not the special interests groups, not the agenda of a political party or the desires of the president. The Congress is not the employee of Obama, or Pelosi, or Reid who are basically calling the American people ignorant when it comes to many things, including health care. It is not the responsibility of the government to provide health care for us, or to protect us from the evil insurance companies because they want to make a profit. Why would any business exist if it were not to make a profit? Isn't that how we are really supposed to provide for our needs, not hold out our hands to big daddy government and expect him to provide for us? Do we not remember that government never gives to us unless it first takes from someone else?

Elitism in the sphere of government, or any other sphere has never been a good thing. President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid along with others are not superior to us and do not represent the American people. They have their own politcal agendas to change the character and values of America and they have the ability to bribe and manipulate those we have elected to get what they want.

Keep standing up Americans! Keep letting your voice be heard. Say no to abortion funding. Say no to public option. Say no to those who are receiving the special deals if they will vote Obama's way. Say yes to competition in the marketplace. Say yes to the loosening of government regualtions and control in the marketplace. Say yes to the tenets of capitalism and no to the marxist, socialist philosophies being promoted by the present leaders of our federal government. Say yes to a strong national defense. We are once again becoming the laughingstock of the world because of the weak president we have concerning international affairs. The day will come when elections occur again and then we can hold these people accountable by voting them out. Meanwhile, let's hope that they damage that they are incurring upon America will not be irreversible.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rights - Responsibilities

There is much confusion in our society today over the question of rights. What rights do people possess. Do we have a right to life? Do we have a right to liberty? Do we have a right to the pursuit of happiness (and what do you really mean by that?)? Do we have a right to education? Do we have the right to health care? Do we have the right to protect our property? Do we have the right to voice our opinions in a civil manner even if they differ with what is politicaaly correct? People are always clamoring for their rights? We have an entitlement mentality that our parents owe us something, or our government owes us something, or somebody owes us something. But what is the truth?

Our forefathers stated that we do have rights given to us by God which no man or institution can rightfully take away from us, that is, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which, if you read John Locke from whom that statement is almost a direct quote you find to mean the ownership and use of private property.

Do we have a right to education? Well, we have a responsibility to educate and that responsibility is that of the home, not the government. The clear teaching of scripture is that education is first and foremost the responsibility of the home. But a right to education - I think not. That is why when those who are not directly responsible for the education of our young people indoctrinate them with ideas and values that are contrary to what we believe they are usurping their position. We must be careful who we allow to teach our young people, what we allow them to teach our children, and the methods they use to teach our children. That is why there should be outrage over teaching young minds to praise Obama like he were a god. That is why there should be outrage when our school systems teach lifestyles such as homosexuality and other perverse lifestyles as something that is acceptable. It is our responsiblity to educate (either directly or through oversight) our children. If we leave it up to someone else or the government, there is no telling the things that they will learn. They are not waiting till they get into Junior High, High School or college to spread their poison - it is happening as soon as they enter the school system in elementary school.

And do we have a right to health care? I don't think so! We have a responsibility to care and provide for ourselves. It is not the responsibility or within the constitutional powers of our government to dictate a health care program that is based on socialistic principles. We have the finest health care system in the world - others from other countries come to us - we don't go to them. Is it expensive - yes, but much of that cost is due to the ever increasing intervention by our government. Research and development cost - but in a free marketplace where ideas and goods can be freely exchanged, costs will eventually come down to what the market will bear. Will everyone be able to afford it - probably not, but the issue that will be before us if we go to a national health care plan will not be whether or not we can afford something, but, will the government determine that we are eligible for the treatment. They decide - not you and me - and that's a scary thought! By the way, the government only gives to one as it takes from another - everything has a cost that must be paid. If the government is giving to some it has to take from others whether they want to give it or not.

Right now the choice is ours. If we fail to exercise our choice and live responsibly, then we will lose the God-given liberties that truly are our rights. Take responsiblity for yourself, for your family, for their education, for their health. Don't expect or ask the govenment to provide for you - and don't let them take from you without your consent. Government will not give back that which it takes away. If we do not stand up and speak out, we will lose the right to choose and end up living in a socialistic society where personal freedom and choice will be lost.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

It was with great sadness but no surprise when President Obama's speech given at the UN contained such strong anti-Israeli sentiment. As one of my friends put it -"I have never heard such anti-Isreali sentiment come from an American president." Scripture, the ultimate standard for all of life and living regardless of the opinions of men, states that we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, not be a part of those who would seek to destroy it. It seems as though our president wants us to join in with those who hate the Jews and the nation of Israel. It seems as though he wants us to be among those who promote the enemies of Israel regardless of the Word of God stating that those who bless Israel, He will bless, and, those who curse Israel, He will curse. Of course, there are those who do not accept the Word of God as the final authority for all things that pertain to life and living and, therefore, would disagree with that statement of promise made to Abraham.

I am proud to be an American. I am glad that I do not agree in any way, shape or form with a president with such anti-semitic and anti-christian views. I am thankful and extremely humbled to be a Christian for I know I did nothing to deserve my salvation in Christ. As one who believes the Word of God and studies it, two specific passages come to mind. The first is Proverbs 6:16, 17 - "These six things doth the Lord hate, yea, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked imaginations, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that sows discord among the brethren." When I think of our president, I am grieved to say that I only see seven things that he fulfills in this scripture and am reminded that God resists the proud. The second passage had to do with the UN and there seeming resentment and hatred for the nation of Israel. These men (along with our president) and their plans which are anti-christian in nature reminded me of Psalm 2 which says "Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed saying, 'Let us break their bands asunder and cast their cords away from us!' He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury . . . He shall break them like a rod of iron and shall shatter them like earthenware." Psalm 2:1-5,9

I believe things are going to get very rough. Persecution of the nation of Israel and believers in Christ will intensify as we will in this anti-christian society. But God's response? He laughs at the plans of proud men and holds them in derision. All the so-called mighty men of the earth, including our president, are nothing compared to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. They may have their day, but in the end the Lord will deal with them in much more severe judgement than they can mete out and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

My friend, if you don't know this Jesus, my prayer for you is that you might realize your sinfulness, recognize that He (Christ) who knew no sin, took your sin upon Himself, died on the cross for you, was buried, but rose again so that you might have life and have it more abundantly, humble yourself and surrender your life to Christ, the only hope, and receive forgiveness for your sin and the gift of eternal life in Christ. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Won't you humbly turn to Christ today? I pray that you will!

May God have mercy on us, upon believers in Christ, and upon the nation of Israel!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Health Care - Education - The Home

Many Americans have been speaking up and continue to speak out against the Obama health care plan which is socialistic to the core. We must keep fighting for our freedom if we plan to keep it. Now we are discovering another battle which must be fought with the same fervor - the battle for the minds of our children. The educational philosophy of humanism teaches a concept of no absolute truth of relative values and ideals. Our children are viewed as the property of the state and are to be educated for the purposes of the state. The idea of our President going before our children in the school setting and teaching them of their responsibilities to the government and the Obama pledge is a scary thing indeed. It is pledging allegiance to King Obama. I am reminded of what our forefathers said when asked to pledge allegiance to the King of England at the time of the Revolutionary War - they said "We have no king, but King Jesus" The easiest way to take control of a nation is through the education of children. If they are indoctrinated with the ideas of socialism, we will become a socialistic state - it is only a matter of time. It is the responsibility of the home to educate young people, not the state. But the teaching that we have had in our public schools for the past 80 or more years is that it is the governments responsibility to educate our children. Back in the late 1600's Massachusetts had an "Old Deluder Law" which said the purpose of education in public schools was to teach children to read the Bible so they would not be deceived by the old deluder, Satan. Schools taught students character, integrity, the value of hard, honest work, a respect for God, country, and people's property. Today, we indoctrinate with the socially acceptable, politically correct humanistic philosophy which denies the existence of God, seeks to destroy moral values, teaches that man was nothing more than a higher form of animal, and is of use only as they can profit the state. Such education is an abomination. May I encourage you to put your student in a school where truth and moral absolutes are taught. We did that with our first 4 children, sending them through Christian Heriatage Academy, and are now homeschooling our 5th. If you do send your child to a school that will be showing the President's message on September 8, may I encourage you to keep your child home on that day in protest of the socialistic propaganda that will be spread in the minds of our children that day. We must accept our God-given responsibility to raise our children and care for our families. If we don't, we will be forfeiting not only our liberty, but the liberty of our children in years to come.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Health Care Reform Bill

President Obama and others are trying to push through once again, as with the hate-crimes bill being attached to a defense spending bill, a health care reform bill with a hidden agenda. That hidden agenda - to make all Americans - regardless of their beliefs and opinions, to support the funding of the murder of the unborn child (commonly called abortions) with our federal tax dollars and private insurance programs. Planned Parenthood and other abortion-mill operators will be termed as "essential health care providers" under this new plan. This is in fulfillment of the Obama campaign promise to Planned Parenthood and others that he would mandate funding for "reproductive services" (i.e. abortion) if elected President. This legislation will require you and me to pay for abortions regardless of our convictions, beliefs, and opinions. It will require businesses who have taken a stand against abortion to provide for their employees abortion coverage even if it violates the owner's beliefs. And what will happen to Christian doctors and nurses, or even non-Christian health care professionals, who oppose participating in Obamacare? Will they lose their licenses to practice? What will happen in the health care industry to those who choose because of their convictions to not participate in or support abortions? You see, a fundamental, God given right to property is being violated. James Madison wrote that "Conscience was the most sacred of all property." The purpose of government is to protect our property, not violate it. So many times we view property as that which is external, such as houses, lands, cars, etc. But Madison wrote that a man has a property in his opinions, his ideals, his beliefs, his convictions. Only to the degree that civil government is willing to protect our internal property of conscience will it be effective in protecting our external property. If government ignores our internal property then they will believe that our external property belongs to them also. That is why we have the teaching that government grants us our liberty. That is a lie! It is not the government who grants us liberty, but God alone. The purpose of government is to protect that God-given liberty. That is one thing that distinguishes our country from others, the concept of the source of liberty and the ensuing purpose of government!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hate Crimes -Defense Bill

Obama politics is sweeping the Congress. Senator Reid attaching the Hates Crimes Legislation to a Defense Spending Bill is the only way that it might be accepted. And the pressure is now on those who want to support our troops to pass this tainted bill or seem like they're not supporting our troops. Pretty clever. Contact your Senator and encourage him to vote this bill down, not because of the defense portion, but because of the portion of the bill that is totally unrelated to the defense of our country.

National health care system, potential approval of Sotamayor, hate crimes legislation, control of the economy (which keeps getting worse because of their control), development of the bi-czar system of government (who are these guys answerable to anyway - not we the people but me - the Obama), these things are eating away at the freedoms of our country like a fast-spreading cancer. Stand up, speak up, and when the opportunity comes for us to vote again (which cannot be soon enough), vote these people out of office. They are taking away our liberties and we cannot let them do that!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Was This Nation founded On Biblical Principles?

There has been much debate in Oklahoma recently, as I am sure in our nation because of some of the comments made especially by our president that America is not a nation founded on Biblical principles, that it is not a Christian nation.

The student of real, not revisionist history, who goes back and does their due diligence, however, cannot deny the influence of Christianity in America and the fact that we are a Christian nation founded on Biblical principles. Though we deny it today, the facts still remain, clear for all to see, if they will but look.

For instance, take the speech of Benjamin Franklin on June 28th at the Constitution Convention in Philadelphia. The convention was at an impasse with much disagreement taking place, when Franklin, who by the way had been greatly influenced by a pastor in Boston by the name of Cotton Mather, rose and in his speech said:

"I have lived, sir, a long time; and the longer I live the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured, sir, in the Sacred Writings, that 'except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.' I firmly believe this, and I also believe that without His concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel; we shall be divided by our little partial, local interests, our projects will be confounded and we ourselves shall become a reproach and a byword down to future ages. And, what is worse, mankind may hereafter, from this unfortunate instance despair of establishing government by human wisdom and leave it to chance, war, or conquest.

I therefore beg leave to move:

That hereafter prayers, imploring the assistance of Heaven and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the clergy of this city be requested to officiate in that service."

Sounds to me like Franklin thought they should trust God and seek His aid in the establishment of this nation! Oh by the way, there are hundreds of other such speeches, documents and recordings just like this. May I encourage you to do research and see. Have a great day!