Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Health Care Reform Bill

President Obama and others are trying to push through once again, as with the hate-crimes bill being attached to a defense spending bill, a health care reform bill with a hidden agenda. That hidden agenda - to make all Americans - regardless of their beliefs and opinions, to support the funding of the murder of the unborn child (commonly called abortions) with our federal tax dollars and private insurance programs. Planned Parenthood and other abortion-mill operators will be termed as "essential health care providers" under this new plan. This is in fulfillment of the Obama campaign promise to Planned Parenthood and others that he would mandate funding for "reproductive services" (i.e. abortion) if elected President. This legislation will require you and me to pay for abortions regardless of our convictions, beliefs, and opinions. It will require businesses who have taken a stand against abortion to provide for their employees abortion coverage even if it violates the owner's beliefs. And what will happen to Christian doctors and nurses, or even non-Christian health care professionals, who oppose participating in Obamacare? Will they lose their licenses to practice? What will happen in the health care industry to those who choose because of their convictions to not participate in or support abortions? You see, a fundamental, God given right to property is being violated. James Madison wrote that "Conscience was the most sacred of all property." The purpose of government is to protect our property, not violate it. So many times we view property as that which is external, such as houses, lands, cars, etc. But Madison wrote that a man has a property in his opinions, his ideals, his beliefs, his convictions. Only to the degree that civil government is willing to protect our internal property of conscience will it be effective in protecting our external property. If government ignores our internal property then they will believe that our external property belongs to them also. That is why we have the teaching that government grants us our liberty. That is a lie! It is not the government who grants us liberty, but God alone. The purpose of government is to protect that God-given liberty. That is one thing that distinguishes our country from others, the concept of the source of liberty and the ensuing purpose of government!


  1. In my opinion, the Obama administration belives that they already own our internal and external property.

    Don't you agree Comrade??

  2. Again, FactCheck can be your best friend in searching for the truth vs. propogating falsehoods:




    "Abortion has emerged as the latest hot button issue in an already contentious health care reform debate.

    "While some talk about trying to make the bill "abortion neutral," neutrality is often in the eye of the beholder.

    "We decided to wade into the debate to check out the facts surrounding a couple of the more popular claims being made about the plan's effect on abortion.

    "First, we checked a claim by Rep. John Boehner that the plan would require Americans to "subsidize abortion with their hard-earned tax dollars." While there are several versions of the health care plan floating around Congress, and it seems that full abortion coverage would be permitted in the government-sponsored program, we didn't see anything in them that would put taxpayers on the hook for subsidizing abortions. In fact, we found an amendment in a key version of the House plan that specifically seeks to ensure that federal funds are not used to subsidize abortion coverage. And so we ruled that claim False.
