Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Healthcare Reform

The government is proposing new healthcare reforms. Our president said that this reform was taking place among other reasons to punish insurance companies for not providing affordable insurance for everyone. What? When did it become the government's responsibility to punish the insurance companies for us? For that matter, I think, if you study the constitution you will find that the government is not rsponsibile to make sure that we even have health care. That is something reserved for the individuals. Maybe if government would get out of the "big brother" business and allow us to make economic decisions on our own, things would right themselves. We don't need the government to provide health care for us. We don't need the government to put further restrictions upon tobacco when our president himself cannot kick the ugly habit. What is needed? Individuals taking responsibility for themselves and their families. Individuals who are willing to work and save and trade with whomsoever this choose. Individuals making decisions on how they will use their resources, how they will choose to invest their money, the ability to keep more of what we make so we can choose how to use it. And then to accept responisbility for our choices. Bad choices have bad consequences. You reap what you sow. We are not entitled by the government to be cared for, we should take the responbility to care for ourselves. Individuals have a habit of doing what is best for themselves, it is inbred within the nature of man. When men unite together they can meet each others needs in such a way that they feel they are deriving the greatest benefit - some call it voluntary exchange. Having a national healthcare program does not provide for voluntary exchange but involuntary exchange. Under the government program I lose my freedom of choice and that is defined in our constititution as a fundamental, God-given right called the pursuit of happiness. If I am being told by the government that I have to give them more money to provide healthcare for me and others then that violates my freedom. Let me choose if I want health insurance, or a health savings account, or no coverage at all. Let me decide to save and prepare through my choices the investments I will make to care for myself and my family. To let someone else decide for me is to become ignorant and irresponsible. Please - no more healthcare programs from the government. The programs we have are not efficient now, and why should we let an inefficient government make our economic choices for us?

1 comment:


    "...I think it is immoral for someone's access to healthcare, politics, or justice to be dependent on how good a capitalist he or she is. And therefore, I think we should use the government to ensure that people from all economic classes are treated equally in this sense.”

    “When advocates of universal health care misuse the language of universal rights to push for health care for all, we fall into the trap of over-reaching and provoke a justified pushback, even from some who might be inclined to agree with us. Universal health care is, however, a moral obligation for an industrialized society, and will not result in the apocalyptic consequences promised by the jeremiads.”
