Monday, June 15, 2009

Hate - Crimes Legislation

US Senate Bill 909 is a hate-crimes legislation bill that is before our US Senate to possibly be voted upon this Wedneday. Let me encourage you, as possibly have others already, to contact your US Senator and voice your opinion against this legislation. If it passes, it will give those involved in the sin of homosexuality greater rights than the average American and could make it illegal to speak out against this sin which is spoken against in the Bible. (Read Romans 1) Once again our liberties of freedom of speech and religion are being threatened. And also notice how quickly the liberal left moves from one crucial issue to the next in hopes of diverting your attention away from what they are doing. They move quickly between issues of same-sex marriage and hate crimes legislation, to national health care, to socializing our economy, to weakening our military, to the nomination of federal judges who do not judge based upon law but on personal preference, to nominating muslims to be a part of homeland security (now that's ironic, isn't it?) and the vicious circle continues. Let your senator know your feelings concerning this hate crimes legislation as many times as you can between now and Wednesday. God Bless America!


  1. From the Washington Post:

    Let's turn to Charles Haynes, senior scholar at the First Amendment Center.
    "I don't think this legislation would in any way infringe on the freedom of people to state their views about homosexuality," Haynes says in an e-mail.
    The bill, Haynes notes, applies only to violent acts, not speech. It wouldn't prohibit what the First Amendment protects.
    He concedes that an overzealous prosecutor could try using the hate-crimes law to stifle religious speech. But widespread misuse, when you look at the record of prosecutions under existing hate-crimes laws, is highly unlikely, he notes.

  2. Why should we give additional rights to those who are already protected as are all Americans? Special interest groups do not need additional rights above others!

  3. This was the same argument used against the Civil Rights movement of the '60s. It doesn't work.
