Solving America's energy crisis is really quite simple. But it does not come without a basic understanding of economics - that is studying the choices that men make in order to meet their needs.
First of all, let us consider the three elements which make up man's material wealth, that is, natural resources, human energy or labor, and tools, that which man uses to multiply his productive capacity. Understnading these three factors of production will enable us to see how we can easily (but not without time, effort, and sacrifice) solve our energy crisis.
Natural resources are truly abundant in America. God has given us an abundant land full of the things which we need to meet our needs. Notice that these natural resources are not government-granted and I would submit to you that they should not be government controlled. It is not the government's function to tell us which resources we can use to meet our needs and which one we cannot. The purpose of government is to protect us as we use the natural resources that God has given us from those who would seek to abuse their resources and decieve us or steal from us. We have been told that our resources are more than enough to supply our needs, but the environmentalist would say just the opposite fearing that we might decrease the fly population and thus upset the eco-system. There truly is plenty of coal, oil, gas, wind, alternative energy sources, etc. And, we have learned through the years, that we as individual people and businesses must do our best to conserve our resources so that they will remain abundant. To not be cautious in conservation would be foolish, but we don't need the government, or some environmental group funded by the government to tell us that. Common sense goes a long way.
And then there is human energy - the ability to work. Different people have different skills. As man seeks to meet his needs, he discovers what he can do, where he is most efficient and effective in providing for himself and his family. He can enter into an agreement with someone to work for them if that is how he feels that he can best meet his needs. It's interesting but true, that a man's hunger works for him. We can become very industrious, hard-working people if we know that we are ultimately responsible for putting food on our table and not the government. But we have rewarded those who do not work. We have even given some who are content to not work and let the government provide for them with incentives not to work. The scripture is still true however, that if a man doesn't work, he should not eat. I submit that if we adopted this policy once again, as did our forefathers, that we would once again become a nation of producers and not consumers. And once again, what is the role of government? To set our minimum wage for us? NO, that only produces unemployment - study your history! Should they decide what vocation you should choose based on their assessment of your aptitudes and capabilities? NO, choose the vocation that you wish to be in, educate yourself, get training, and go for it - that's part of the American dream that so many came to this country to pursue in this, the land of opportunity. Maybe government should decide how long we can work? NO, let a man work as long as he needs to in order to meet his needs. Let him learn to save and invest for himself to care for his needs and the needs of his family. But surely government should provide us with health care or public housing or something to help us along? NO, if we must take responsibility for ourselves, we will find that we can take care of ourselves quite nicely, thank you. You see, the purpose of government is to protect man's GOD-GIVEN rights, not to provide for man.
And then there is the final factor of production known as tools. It is bizarre to me how our government is seeking to control and decrease the effectiveness of tools in our nation. Tools are the things that we use to produce with. The better our tools, the more productive we can be. Governments function is not to control these tools. It is not their business to own these tools. It is their responsibility to protect the inventor and the invention from those who would seek to steal it and abuse if for their own benefit. That is why we have copyright and patent laws - to protect the ones who invent tools and the tools themselves. Government should not be restraining the tools of production, but encouraging private business to increase the tool capacity and efficiency of America.
I wonder what would happen if the government did its job and let the energy business take care of itself? We have the resources, we have the man-power, we have the creativity and ingenuity of the American people who for almost 400 years have found ways to meet their needs and live in abundance. We have the tools or the ability to make effective, effecient tools. I thoroughly believe that the American people if unbridled from the nanny state would solve quickly and effectively the energy crisis and could soon be totally energy independent from other countries at a cost that we could all afford (or at least those who are willing to do the work)and in a matter of time that would easily defeat any time schedule set forth by the government. Our president and House of Representatives under the influence of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, are seeking with the passage of this energy bill to bridle the productive resources, labor, ingenuity, and creativity of the American people by seeking to control the tools of production which belong to the people not the government. Let your Senator know that you do not want this energy bill passing the Senate and being signed into law by our President. And may those who ignored the strong voice of the American people on this issue incur the strength of the vote of the American people at the next election! Remember - WE WIN!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Healthcare Reform
The government is proposing new healthcare reforms. Our president said that this reform was taking place among other reasons to punish insurance companies for not providing affordable insurance for everyone. What? When did it become the government's responsibility to punish the insurance companies for us? For that matter, I think, if you study the constitution you will find that the government is not rsponsibile to make sure that we even have health care. That is something reserved for the individuals. Maybe if government would get out of the "big brother" business and allow us to make economic decisions on our own, things would right themselves. We don't need the government to provide health care for us. We don't need the government to put further restrictions upon tobacco when our president himself cannot kick the ugly habit. What is needed? Individuals taking responsibility for themselves and their families. Individuals who are willing to work and save and trade with whomsoever this choose. Individuals making decisions on how they will use their resources, how they will choose to invest their money, the ability to keep more of what we make so we can choose how to use it. And then to accept responisbility for our choices. Bad choices have bad consequences. You reap what you sow. We are not entitled by the government to be cared for, we should take the responbility to care for ourselves. Individuals have a habit of doing what is best for themselves, it is inbred within the nature of man. When men unite together they can meet each others needs in such a way that they feel they are deriving the greatest benefit - some call it voluntary exchange. Having a national healthcare program does not provide for voluntary exchange but involuntary exchange. Under the government program I lose my freedom of choice and that is defined in our constititution as a fundamental, God-given right called the pursuit of happiness. If I am being told by the government that I have to give them more money to provide healthcare for me and others then that violates my freedom. Let me choose if I want health insurance, or a health savings account, or no coverage at all. Let me decide to save and prepare through my choices the investments I will make to care for myself and my family. To let someone else decide for me is to become ignorant and irresponsible. Please - no more healthcare programs from the government. The programs we have are not efficient now, and why should we let an inefficient government make our economic choices for us?
Monday, June 15, 2009
Hate - Crimes Legislation
US Senate Bill 909 is a hate-crimes legislation bill that is before our US Senate to possibly be voted upon this Wedneday. Let me encourage you, as possibly have others already, to contact your US Senator and voice your opinion against this legislation. If it passes, it will give those involved in the sin of homosexuality greater rights than the average American and could make it illegal to speak out against this sin which is spoken against in the Bible. (Read Romans 1) Once again our liberties of freedom of speech and religion are being threatened. And also notice how quickly the liberal left moves from one crucial issue to the next in hopes of diverting your attention away from what they are doing. They move quickly between issues of same-sex marriage and hate crimes legislation, to national health care, to socializing our economy, to weakening our military, to the nomination of federal judges who do not judge based upon law but on personal preference, to nominating muslims to be a part of homeland security (now that's ironic, isn't it?) and the vicious circle continues. Let your senator know your feelings concerning this hate crimes legislation as many times as you can between now and Wednesday. God Bless America!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Lifting Up A Standard
My, how quickly things are happening in our nation! It seems like a deluge of liberal change is occuring daily if not more frequently than that. Whether on the military front with the "mirandizing" of those who are our enemies, to the Justice Department, where a the candidate is someone sho judges on her racial bias and feelings rather than the rule of law is up for approval, to the economic realm, where capitalism is being replaced with a government run socialism, to the religious realm where the Islamic religion is being encouraged and the Christian religion is being disdained and denied. Terrorism strikes America with an admitted Moslem terrorist killing of an American soldier in a recruiting office in Arkansas. Gitmo detainees being brought to America or sent to another country where we pay them to keep them, or simply releasing them to terrorize again - we're not being very wise these days! Government taking over industry after industry in an effort to save the economy (I don't think so - they want to ultimately control the eonomy and make everything goovernment property), unemplyment soaring to new heights as owners have to cut back to meet new taxes and regulations. Our conscience, our property rights, our freedoms all under severe attack. It seems hopeliess - but it is not!!!! The Word of God instructs us that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard against him.(Isaiah 59:19) May we as American Christians be that standard that the Lord holds up by loving liberty, living righteously, and upholding a standard of truth and righteousness in our personal lives, our homes, our churches, our communities, our cities, states, and yes, even our nation. Let us not be weary in doing well. We will reap what we sow. Don't give up - keep doing what is right in your circle of influence to the glory of God and for love of our country! Pray for one another and for those who are taking a stand that God will give us strength to keep speaking up! Remember - as my friend, city councilman Larry McAtee says - in the end - WE WIN!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
An Order from the Commander-In-Chief
Catch-A-Dream Foundation is a faith-based organization which help children with severe and terminal illnesses do things they would never otherwise be able to do. Kind of like Make-A-Wish Foundation, organizations like these do a tremendous work in helping young kids and their families enjoy their last days together. Recently, Sargeant 1st Class Greg Stube from Fort Bragg was scheduled to speak at the Foundation's annual fundraiser banquet. He had been severely injured while being deployed overseas with the Green Beret and his story is one of faith and courage. However, the Sargeant at the last minute had to cancel his speaking engagement. Why? Because an order has recently been sent down from the Commander-in-Chief, President Barak Obama that NO SERVICEMAN CAN SPEAK AT ANY FAITH-BASED PUBLIC EVENT ANYMORE. This is an atrocity and an abomination in the sight of God. Once again we see an effort by our president to enforce his religious preferences upon the entire nation. Our nation was founded upon Biblical principles. Our money says plainly on it "IN GOD WE TRUST". Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord - But when our president, in his pride and arrogance, uses his position of authority to do something this ridiculous, he is inviting resistance and judgement of God upon us for - "God resists the proud (a proud look is an abomination in the sight of God -Proverbs 6), but He gives grace to the humble. Be not deceived - God is not mocked! Our president cannot continue to mock the one true God - Jehovah and not receive His wrath. May God have mercy on us as we take a stand!
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