Tuesday, May 26, 2009

3 R's For America

One of the men who has been a great influence in my life is Ralph Bullard, former headmaster and now ambassador for Christian Heritage Academy where I have taught for the past 30 years. He recently spoke at our commencement exercises at CHA and with great eloquence shared with us 3 R's that are needed for the saving of America. The points made are his, the commentary on them are my thoughts concerning those things.

Restore Prayer and the Reading of the Bible to Public Schools - Restoring prayer and the public reading of the Scriptures to our public schools would once again establish the Word of God as the standard of truth and justice in our educational system and our nation. Statistics prove that since the Bible and prayer have been removed from our public schools our level of literacy in America has decreased. Relativism has moved in as the we say that truth is whatever you want it or believe it to be, rather than a standard of absolute truth as seen in the Word of God. We need to restore prayer and Bible reading to public schools and thereby establish once again that this nation is founded on Biblical principles and that there is only one true God, the Jehovah God of the Bible. But this will come as we restore prayer and Bible reading to our homes first.

Repeal the Laws Concerning the Legalization of Abortion - This is a blight upon our nation, a curse if you would. The killing of the innocent unborn, or partially born child is outright murder which God forbids in His Word. We have become a nation of "Hands that shed innocent blood" which God says in Proverbs 6 that such a thing is an abomination in His sight. Abortion is the American Holocaust and we have legalized it far too long. As I went through the Holocaust of World War II Memorial in Boston recently, there were 6 towers reresenting 6 million people killed in the holocaust. If we were to likewise construct a tower for every 1 million aborted babies that have been murdered since Roe v. Wade was passed, there would be over 50 towers standing as a testimony of this atrocity. God help us!

Finally - Re-affirm our stance upon God's Word that homosexuality and other types of sexual perversion are condemned by God's Word (Romans 1) and return to holding up the family unit as one man and one woman for a lifetime. We do not need to legalize that which God says is a perversion of His design for the family. We do not need to call right what God says is wrong. Tolerance is not needed - rather a strong, yet compassionate stance, that this sin is wrong and point people to Christ, the only hope of salvation. These degrading passions are a result of the hardness of man's heart toward God and a sign of God's judgement upon the nation.

It is incumbent upon those who call themselves believers in Christ to humble themselves, and pray, and seek God's face, and turn from their wicked ways. When we do this God promises to hear from heaven, forgive our sin and heal our land. The responsibility is our dear friends. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Originally called New Towne, Cambridge, MA is a very interesting place. It is here taht Harvard College was founded in 1636 by the Puritans who wanted to make sure taht there was not an uneducated minister in the pulpits of America. Their first president, Henry Dunster, was a godly man who was known for setting the Psalms to music. The second president, Calvin Chancey, was a fiery preacher much in the mold of an Elijah. A college student upon hearing a passionate message by the 80 year old Chancey said, "Sir, you preach so hard that one day you will die in the pulpit" to which Chancey replied, "It would be an honor to do so." Chancey was also a man of prayer who had it said of him that "He spends more time talking to God than he does to man." Such were the beginnings of a school designed to aid and educate the pastoral leadership of our nation.

But such is not the case today. In the 1800's, Harvard turned to Deism, and then went off into transcendetalism, through the influence of men like Bronson Alcott (Louisa Mae's father, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthone and others. In the 1880's chapel services were deemed voluntary where for over 250 years they had been mandatory. Though truly one of the finest academic universities in the world today, it has become a hotbed for liberalism with predictions of over 85% of the student population and faculty having strong leanings to the left.

What a shame when we forget our heritage and the purpose for which this school was founded.

Another place in Cambridge of extreme interest in the Cambridge Commons. It is here, at what is now termed "Washington's Elm" that George Washington took command of the colonial troops for the fighting of the Revolutionary War. He hadn't wanted the appointment when asked to serve, in fact, when John Adams nominated him at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, he quietly left the room. But here he was, on July 3, in the middle of the Commons, arriving after a three day rain which left the place a literal quagmire. Troops discouraged, no place to stay, no food, no ammunition, it was said that Washington would have had no one to command had he dismissed those who were too young to serve, too old to serve, or those of bad character. But he immediately instilled within them the self-discipline and order to fight the battle ahead. He banned all cursing and made it mandatory that all men attend regular chapel services. He began building there supply of amunition and eventually would send Henry Knox to Ft. Ticonderoga to bring back cannon which would be used almost a year later to drive out the British from Boston. He gave the Revoltuionary army what it needed - leadership, self-discipline and a sense of orderly purpose.

Amazingly enough, that's what we need today in order to take a stand for what is right in our daily lives. Galatians 5:1 exhorts us to "Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Paul also wrote to Timothy and said that no man who is in the battle entangles himself with the affairs of this life so that he might please Him who has chosen him to be a soldier.

May we be that good soldier, disciplined, trained and ready for our Commander-in-Chief's use. Let us not be entangled with the selfish pursuits of man, but let us walk in obedience to the truth of the Word of God which sets us free.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Park Street Church

It's Sunday morning - Happy Mother's Day to all mothers! Thank you for the love, time, patience and investments you have made in the lives of your children. It is true that the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world. We are going to Park Street Church in Boston this morning. It is probably the most evangelical church in the Boston area and for hundreds of years has been a truly bright light of the gospel in Boston and America. The influence of the church is of great significance in our society today. May it continue to be a beacon of hope to the people of Boston.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Presidents, Planning & Providence

Today was an extremely interesting and eventful day.

First we had the privilege of visiting the libraries of John F. Kennedy and the persoanl library of John & John Quincy Adams. What a difference in these presidents. Kennedy was known for his social agenda - Adams for his promotion of liberty and justice. The Kennedy family was known for its extreme wealth not always gained in an honorable fashion while the Adams were mere farmers who were also patriots. JFK was known for his little indiscretions, especially in regards to Marilyn Monroe, while John and John Quincy were of impeccable character. The Adams promoted family values while the Kennedy's promoted values clarification apart from the scripture. John Adams read his Bible daily, JFK was well read. John Adams stood up for injustice at the Boston Massacre by defending the British in a court of law, while JFK was also valiant in the defense of his country during World War II.

After finishing at the Adams house, we got lost on the trolley and were 20 minutes late to our lunch appointment, making us about 20-30 minutes behind schedule the rest of the day. We ate lunch at the beautiful Cambridge Galleria then went to see Old Ironsides, the oldest active commissioned war ship in the world. It was amazing to see this ship that had fought in the war of 1812 and was commissioned and named by George Washington himself when he established the Navy. We decided to take the full tour this year which we hadn't done for about ten years. That kept us from catching up on our time - we were still 30 minutes behind. That made us 30 minutes late to dinner, which was no big deal because we had only one more thing to do after dinner.

We went to Quincy Market which I always enjoy doing, the over to the Holocaust Memorial. We walked through there very slowly, viewing the memorial and then sending the students across the street where everyone would wait and then we would talk to them for about 15 minutes before boarding the subway and going back to the motel.

About 5 minutes before everyone was through the memorial, fire trucks, emergency vehicles, and police cars were flooding the area and shutting off Government Center. We got word that the very subway we were to get on was involved in a subway crash at the time we would probably have been on the subway. Over 20 people were injured. God had providentially protected these students and all of us from danger that He knew existed.

You know, we talk all the time about the how God cares for us and protects us. But this time we got to see it first hand and know that it was definitely the Lord who was watching over us. He did that for each of us this day whether we realize it or not. May we live in such a way that our lives might reflect His goodness and that we might be "a city that is set on a hill and cannot be hid."

AAA Insurance

I'm thinking that I need to quit my job and move to Massachusetts. They have enacted laws here that help you if you don't have a job. You see, I have this old, 1992 Nissan Stanza (I call it the Last Stanza, being a music person). It doesn't run at all. I don't have the money to fix it and it has a terrible oil leak to go on top of that. But if I quit my job and look for work in Massachusetts, they will give me a car! What kind of deal is that? Not only that, but they will pay my tax, tag, and title for a year, plus, any repairs that are needed on that car for a year. To top all of it off, I get AAA auto insurance for a year - FREE! I really like AAA insurance because you have a breakdown on the road or something like that and they will come bail you out. (Oh, there's that thought of another government funded bail-out!) THEN, what happens at the end of the year, whether or not I have found or maintained a job - I GET TO KEEP THE CAR!!! WOW!!!! I'm glad the government is taking care of me. I had thought about working a job of lesser income in addition to what I do to make ends meet. I had thought about cutting my spending in order to make ends meet. I had thought about that long-needed diet to cut down on the food bill and not buying that new suit of clothes to go with all the other things that I don't fit anymore. Butnow I don't have to, hey, I can get another car and let the government pay for everything! I am relieved!!

Of course, this is costing the Massachusetts taxpayer at least $6000 per car, per year. And government is getting another foothold in controlling my life. And government never gives to anyone that which it first does not take from the people. Maybe I should rethink my move. I think I like working, meeting my own needs (actually the Lord gives me strength to meet my needs and provides for my family daily - that's better than any government provision). I like not being dependent on the government for everything (next thing you know they are going to want to provide national health care for me, or something like that). By the way - I love living in Oklahoma with my beautiful wife and loving children, a fantastic place to work and a wonderful church. Boomer Sooner!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Forefathers Monument Financing

I could write all day about the Forefathers Monument or "Faith Monument" as it is sometimes referred to, but the financing of this 81 foot solid granite structure is truly amazing in itself. Started with a gift of a guinnie during the presidency of George Washington, over 11,000 people contributed to the building of this monument. The designer and the one who promised to oversee the raising of funds in the 1850's was a Bostonian by the name of Hammett Billings. Hammett was a painter, an architect, and a Bible scholar. He is known for painting over 60 murals on the book of Revelation and his design of the Forefather's Monument is filled with references to the importance of the Word of God in the life of the Pilgrims. But he died, as did his brother, Joe, and the work and the financing continued for quite sometime.

There are 5 main statues of this monument and herein comes the interesting part of the financing. The 36 foot statue of Faith was financed by the governor of Massachusetts who thought that if there was anyone who should live a life of faith in God it should be the governor of Massachusetts. The statue of Morality was financed as a joint venture by (you're not gonna believe this) the legislatures of both Massachuesetts and Connecticut who believed that they should hold up the morality of the Bible at all costs. (?????) The statue of Law was financed by the lawyers of Connecticut who believed in the rule of law and being governed with justice and equity according to the Word of God. The staute of Education was financed by a penny crusade held across our country by the children of America. (Now that sounds more like it!) Finally the statue of Liberty was financed by a grant from the United States Congress. Interestingly enough, that statue decries tyranny and promotes its overthrow by the sharing of the gospel of Peace found in Jesus Christ alone. Peace through strength is one of this statue's major symbolisms.

It's interesting how far we have strayed from the truth, isn't it? Let us rededicate ourselves to upholding and restoring our liberties by living a life of faith, holding forth the highest standards of morality even though it may fly in the face of tolerance and multi-culturalism. Let us make laws which agree with God's Word and uphold a standard of truth and justice with equity. And may we educate ourselves and our children in the ways of God, learning to think and reason from God's Word rather than follow any teaching that comes our way. May God grant us grace and courage to do what is right!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Plymouth - America's Hometown

Hi - My friend, Mike McGee, encouraged me to blog while on the trip to Boston that I am on with a group of about 85 people from Christian Heritage Academy. So here I go, hope you enjoy.

Plymouth is America's hometown. Started by the Pilgrims, or Separatists as they were known in England, this is truly the birthplace of liberty. The pilgrims landed in 1620 and over half of them died in the first winter. However, they came to this land with a desire in their heart to be a people that God would use for the propagating of the gospel of the kingdom of Christ. This evening as I stood atop Burial Hill and saw the grave of Governor William Bradford and the grave marker of Adoniram Judson, America's first foreign missionary, I was reminded again of America's purpose to be the fullest expression of Christian liberty in the world and to use that liberty for the spreading of the gospel of Christ. I am called by God, as is every believer in Christ American or not, to share His love and message of salvation to the world. May we be ever faithful to fulfill that purpose each day. God bless!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Boston Bound

It will be awhile before I blog again. I have the privilege of going to Boston and Plymouth with a group fo fine Seniors from Christian Heritage Academy to see with them the place where our American Christian Heritage began. There are many places of tremendous significance in the history of our nation in that area and this will be my 18th trip to that wonderful place. When I return, I will be sharing about the providential Hand of God in the establishment of our nation. God richest blessings to all who read this blog. I hope it makes you think and is an encouragement to you to reclaim your American Christian Heritage!

Governor Blunders

During his first term in office, Governor Brad Henry was a relatively quiet governor, not wanting to rock the boat and miss the opportunity for re-election.Now in his second term his true colors are really beginning to show. In the past couple of weeks he has vetoed a bill which would have banned embryonic stem cell research in Oklahoma. His pro-death (some call it pro-choice) stance is becoming more bold and evident for all to see. It is obvious that Governor Henry has no concern for the rights of the unborn. Then our governor used his power to issue an executive order. Executive orders, you would think, would be for the purpose of making an emergency decision to protect our life, liberty and property. But not so this time. Because a rock song by a group called the Flaming Lips was voted down in our legislature as the "State Rock Song", our governor, wielded his power and issued an executive order declaring the Flaming Lips song our official state rock song. Now our state really needed that. I'm sure that order helps protect my life, liberty and property. I feel so relieved now that I'm sure our economy will experience a great upswing in spite of the condition of our national economy. Of course, I speak facetiously. How could our governor be so foolish!!!! The purpose of government is not to endorse the song of any group. If Governor Henry wishes to listen to the Flaming Lips that is fine. But do not impose on the citizens of Oklahoma, the song, lyrics, or association with a group that is known for one of its members wearing the communist hammer and sickle to our state capital and then known even more for the profanity with which they speak. I do not care who they are or where they are from, it is not a wise decision to exalt men of obvious low character to a place of honor in our state.