Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Lack of Representation

One of the concepts this country was founded upon is the principle of representation. Our forefathers were concerned about tyranny and also an oligarchial form of government which would put a few making the political decisions for the many without giving heed to the wishes of the people. A representative form of government allows for the voice of all to be heard and the representatives accountable to those who elected them. They are to represent their constituents while dealing with matters which face our entire nation, state, community or the various levels of governemnt.

I was recently intrigued as I heard over a newscast a discussion about who was being represented in the health care debate. It was pointed out that lobbyists and special interests groups were spending extremely large amounts of money to get their interests served. Deals, of course, have been struck in an effort to gain passage of the bill to the uprorar of the states who are not getting those deals and even among those in the states who are receiving the special deals. People realize that what is going on is not right. But the question was posed - Who represents the people to the legislators?

What???? The legislators are to represent the people, not the special interests groups, not the agenda of a political party or the desires of the president. The Congress is not the employee of Obama, or Pelosi, or Reid who are basically calling the American people ignorant when it comes to many things, including health care. It is not the responsibility of the government to provide health care for us, or to protect us from the evil insurance companies because they want to make a profit. Why would any business exist if it were not to make a profit? Isn't that how we are really supposed to provide for our needs, not hold out our hands to big daddy government and expect him to provide for us? Do we not remember that government never gives to us unless it first takes from someone else?

Elitism in the sphere of government, or any other sphere has never been a good thing. President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid along with others are not superior to us and do not represent the American people. They have their own politcal agendas to change the character and values of America and they have the ability to bribe and manipulate those we have elected to get what they want.

Keep standing up Americans! Keep letting your voice be heard. Say no to abortion funding. Say no to public option. Say no to those who are receiving the special deals if they will vote Obama's way. Say yes to competition in the marketplace. Say yes to the loosening of government regualtions and control in the marketplace. Say yes to the tenets of capitalism and no to the marxist, socialist philosophies being promoted by the present leaders of our federal government. Say yes to a strong national defense. We are once again becoming the laughingstock of the world because of the weak president we have concerning international affairs. The day will come when elections occur again and then we can hold these people accountable by voting them out. Meanwhile, let's hope that they damage that they are incurring upon America will not be irreversible.